暑假要去哪裡玩? Where to Go During Summer Vacation?

暑假即將來臨,你計劃好去哪裡玩了嗎?無論你喜歡海邊、山區,還是遊樂園,這篇文章都會給你一些建議,讓你的暑假更加有趣。來看看有哪些好去處吧! Summer vacation is just around the corner; have you planned where to go? Whether you prefer the beach, the mountains, or amusement parks, this article will give you some ideas to make your summer vacation more enjoyable. Check out these great places to visit!


  1. 暑假 (shǔjià) – Summer Vacation
  2. 旅行 (lǚxíng) – Travel
  3. 海邊 (hǎibiān) – Beach
  4. 山區 (shānqū) – Mountain Area
  5. 公園 (gōngyuán) – Park
  6. 遊樂園 (yóulèyuán) – Amusement Park
  7. 博物館 (bówùguǎn) – Museum
  8. 家 (jiā) – Home
  9. 計劃 (jìhuà) – Plan
  10. 放鬆 (fàngsōng) – Relax


A: 暑假快到了,你有什麼計劃嗎?
Shǔjià kuài dàole, nǐ yǒu shénme jìhuà ma?
(Summer vacation is coming, do you have any plans?)

B: 我想去海邊玩,你呢?
Wǒ xiǎng qù hǎibiān wán, nǐ ne?
(I want to go to the beach, how about you?)

A: 我想去山區,呼吸新鮮空氣。
Wǒ xiǎng qù shānqū, hūxī xīnxiān kōngqì.
(I want to go to the mountains to breathe fresh air.)

B: 那聽起來很棒!
Nà tīng qǐlái hěn bàng!
(That sounds great!)

A: 我們也可以去遊樂園,會很有趣!
Wǒmen yě kěyǐ qù yóulèyuán, huì hěn yǒuqù!
(We can also go to an amusement park; it will be fun!)

B: 好主意,我們一起去吧!
Hǎo zhǔyì, wǒmen yīqǐ qù ba!
(Good idea, let’s go together!)


  1. 你喜歡去海邊還是山區?
    Nǐ xǐhuān qù hǎibiān háishì shānqū?
    (Do you prefer going to the beach or the mountains?)
  2. 你上次的暑假去了哪裡?
    Nǐ shàng cì de shǔjià qùle nǎlǐ?
    (Where did you go last summer vacation?)
  3. 如果你可以去任何地方度假,你會選擇哪裡?
    Rúguǒ nǐ kěyǐ qù rènhé dìfāng dùjià, nǐ huì xuǎnzé nǎlǐ?
    (If you could go anywhere for vacation, where would you choose?)
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