台灣哪裡適合爬山? Where can I go hiking in Taiwan?

Taiwan is a hiking paradise with mountains like Yangmingshan and Alishan. This A2-level Chinese dialogue introduces common hiking phrases and vocabulary, helping learners discuss hiking destinations, ask about difficulty levels, and prepare for a weekend adventure. Perfect for beginners looking to improve conversational Chinese!

中文單字 Vocabulary

  1. 爬山 – Hiking – páshān
  2. 地方 – Place – dìfāng
  3. 陽明山 – Yangmingshan – Yángmíng Shān
  4. 阿里山 – Alishan – Ālǐ Shān
  5. 方便 – Convenient – fāngbiàn
  6. 風景 – Scenery – fēngjǐng
  7. 初學者 – Beginner – chūxuézhě
  8. 經驗 – Experience – jīngyàn
  9. 步道 – Trail – bùdào
  10. 防曬 – Sunscreen – fángshài

對話內容 Dialogue

A: 你知道台灣有什麼地方適合爬山嗎?
Nǐ zhīdào Táiwān yǒu shénme dìfāng shìhé páshān ma?
Do you know where in Taiwan is good for hiking?

B: 當然知道!台灣有很多好山,比如陽明山和阿里山。
Dāngrán zhīdào! Táiwān yǒu hěn duō hǎo shān, bǐrú Yángmíng Shān hé Ālǐ Shān.
Of course! Taiwan has many great mountains, such as Yangmingshan and Alishan.

A: 哇,聽起來很棒!陽明山在哪裡?
Wā, tīng qǐlái hěn bàng! Yángmíng Shān zài nǎlǐ?
Wow, sounds great! Where is Yangmingshan?

B: 陽明山在台北,很方便去,風景也很美。
Yángmíng Shān zài Táiběi, hěn fāngbiàn qù, fēngjǐng yě hěn měi.
Yangmingshan is in Taipei, it’s easy to get to, and the scenery is beautiful.

A: 那阿里山呢?那裡適合初學者嗎?
Nà Ālǐ Shān ne? Nàlǐ shìhé chūxuézhě ma?
What about Alishan? Is it good for beginners?

B: 阿里山比較適合有經驗的爬山者,但也有輕鬆的步道。
Ālǐ Shān bǐjiào shìhé yǒu jīngyàn de páshān zhě, dàn yě yǒu qīngsōng de bùdào.
Alishan is better for experienced hikers, but there are also easy trails.

A: 太好了!這個週末我想去陽明山試試看。
Tài hǎo le! Zhège zhōumò wǒ xiǎng qù Yángmíng Shān shìshì kàn.
Great! I want to try hiking Yangmingshan this weekend.

B: 一定會很開心的!記得帶水和防曬喔!
Yídìng huì hěn kāixīn de! Jìdé dài shuǐ hé fángshài o!
You’ll definitely enjoy it! Remember to bring water and sunscreen!

問題延伸 Practice Questions

Nǐ zuì xiǎng qù Táiwān de nǎ zuò shān páshān?
Which mountain in Taiwan do you want to hike the most?

Nǐ juéde páshān yào zhǔnbèi shénme?
What do you think you need to prepare for hiking?

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