水彩畫 Watercolor Painting

This A2-level Chinese conversation introduces watercolor painting. Learn how to discuss hobbies, colors, and favorite painting subjects in Mandarin.

中文單字 Chinese Vocabulary

  1. 水彩畫 (shuǐcǎihuà) – Watercolor painting
  2. 興趣 (xìngqù) – Hobby
  3. 風景 (fēngjǐng) – Scenery
  4. 山 (shān) – Mountain
  5. 湖 (hú) – Lake
  6. 顏色 (yánsè) – Color
  7. 藍色 (lánsè) – Blue
  8. 綠色 (lǜsè) – Green
  9. 大自然 (dàzìrán) – Nature
  10. 有趣 (yǒuqù) – Interesting

對話內容 Chinese Conversation / Dialogue

A: 你有什麼興趣?
Nǐ yǒu shénme xìngqù?
What are your hobbies?

B: 我喜歡畫水彩畫。
Wǒ xǐhuān huà shuǐcǎihuà.
I like painting with watercolors.

A: 水彩畫難嗎?
Nǐ juédé shuǐcǎihuà nán ma?
Is watercolor painting difficult?

B: 剛開始有點難,但練習久了就會進步。
Gāng kāishǐ yǒudiǎn nán, dàn liànxí jiǔ le jiù huì jìnbù.
It’s a little difficult at first, but with practice, you will improve.

A: 你最喜歡畫什麼?
Nǐ zuì xǐhuān huà shénme?
What do you like to paint the most?

B: 我喜歡畫風景,像是山和湖。
Wǒ xǐhuān huà fēngjǐng, xiàng shì shān hé hú.
I like painting landscapes, such as mountains and lakes.

A: 你用什麼顏色最多?
Nǐ yòng shénme yánsè zuì duō?
Which colors do you use the most?

B: 我最常用藍色和綠色,因為我喜歡畫大自然。
Wǒ zuì cháng yòng lánsè hé lǜsè, yīnwèi wǒ xǐhuān huà dàzìrán.
I use blue and green the most because I like painting nature.

A: 你的畫一定很漂亮!
Nǐ de huà yídìng hěn piàoliang!
Your paintings must be very beautiful!

B: 謝謝!你也可以試試看,水彩畫很有趣!
Xièxiè! Nǐ yě kěyǐ shìshìkàn, shuǐcǎihuà hěn yǒuqù!
Thank you! You should try it too. Watercolor painting is fun!

問題延伸 Chinese Practice Questions

Role Play
A: 你喜歡畫___嗎?
B: 我喜歡畫___,特別是___和___。
A: 你最常用___和___嗎?
B: 對,我覺得這些顏色很漂亮!

1. 你喜歡畫畫嗎?為什麼?

2. 你覺得水彩畫和油畫有什麼不同?

3. 你有沒有自己最喜歡的一幅畫?

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