AI風潮 The AI Trend

This A2-level Chinese conversation introduces AI trends. Learn how to talk about AI’s functions, benefits, and its impact on jobs in Mandarin.

中文單字 Chinese Vocabulary

  1. AI (人工智慧) (rén gōng zhì huì) – Artificial Intelligence
  2. 流行 (liúxíng) – Popular
  3. 畫畫 (huà huà) – Draw pictures
  4. 效率 (xiàolǜ) – Efficiency
  5. 厲害 (lìhài) – Amazing
  6. 幫助 (bāngzhù) – Help
  7. 取代 (qǔdài) – Replace
  8. 機會 (jīhuì) – Opportunity
  9. 學習 (xuéxí) – Learn
  10. 時代 (shídài) – Era

對話內容 Chinese Conversation / Dialogue

A: 你聽說過AI嗎?
Nǐ tīngshuō guò AI ma?
Have you heard about AI?

B: 當然!AI現在很流行。
Dāngrán! AI xiànzài hěn liúxíng.
Of course! AI is very popular now.

A: AI可以做什麼?
AI kěyǐ zuò shénme?
What can AI do?

B: 它可以寫文章、畫畫,還可以說話!
Tā kěyǐ xiě wénzhāng, huà huà, hái kěyǐ shuōhuà!
It can write articles, draw pictures, and even talk!

A: 太厲害了!那它能幫助我們工作嗎?
Tài lìhài le! Nà tā néng bāngzhù wǒmen gōngzuò ma?
That’s amazing! Can it help us with work?

B: 可以!很多公司都用AI來提高效率。
Kěyǐ! Hěnduō gōngsī dōu yòng AI lái tígāo xiàolǜ.
Yes! Many companies use AI to improve efficiency.

A: 但是AI會不會取代我們的工作呢?
Dànshì AI huì bú huì qǔdài wǒmen de gōngzuò ne?
But will AI replace our jobs?

B: 有些工作可能會變少,但也會有新的工作機會。
Yǒuxiē gōngzuò kěnéng huì biàn shǎo, dàn yě huì yǒu xīn de gōngzuò jīhuì.
Some jobs may decrease, but new job opportunities will also appear.

A: 那我們應該學習怎麼使用AI!
Nà wǒmen yīnggāi xuéxí zěnme shǐyòng AI!
Then we should learn how to use AI!

B: 沒錯!學會AI,我們就能跟上時代。
Méi cuò! Xuéhuì AI, wǒmen jiù néng gēnshàng shídài.
That’s right! Learning AI will help us keep up with the times.

問題延伸 Chinese Practice Questions

1. 你覺得AI會對我們的生活帶來什麼改變?

2. 你有用過AI軟體嗎?它是做什麼的?

3. 你覺得未來AI還可以做哪些事情?

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