逛百貨公司 Shopping at a Department Store

逛百貨公司不僅可以購物,還能享受促銷活動和贈品。本篇文章適合A2學習者,幫助你學習如何用中文討論逛百貨公司的情景,並學會實用的購物用語。Shopping at a department store isn’t just about buying things, but also about enjoying promotions and free gifts. This article is designed for A2 learners to help you learn how to talk about shopping at a department store in Chinese and pick up useful shopping-related phrases.


  1. 百貨公司 (bǎihuò gōngsī) – Department store
  2. 試穿 (shìchuān) – Try on (clothes)
  3. 樓層 (lóucéng) – Floor (of a building)
  4. 促銷 (cùxiāo) – Promotion
  5. 退貨 (tuìhuò) – Return (goods)
  6. 結帳 (jiézhàng) – Checkout
  7. 服裝 (fúzhuāng) – Clothing
  8. 電梯 (diàntī) – Elevator
  9. 打折 (dǎzhé) – Discount
  10. 現金 (xiànjīn) – Cash
  11. 贈品 (zèngpǐn) – Free gift
  12. 會員 (huìyuán) – Member


A: 這週末你要去哪裡?
Zhè zhōumò nǐ yào qù nǎlǐ?
(Where are you going this weekend?)

B: 我要去逛百貨公司,我聽說有很多促銷活動。
Wǒ yào qù guàng bǎihuò gōngsī, wǒ tīngshuō yǒu hěnduō cùxiāo huódòng.
(I’m going to the department store. I heard there are many promotions.)

A: 哦,那你要買什麼?
Ó, nà nǐ yào mǎi shénme?
(Oh, what are you planning to buy?)

B: 我想買一些新衣服,可能還會試穿幾件。
Wǒ xiǎng mǎi yìxiē xīn yīfú, kěnéng hái huì shìchuān jǐ jiàn.
(I want to buy some new clothes and might try on a few.)

A: 你會用現金還是信用卡結帳?
Nǐ huì yòng xiànjīn háishì xìnyòngkǎ jiézhàng?
(Will you pay with cash or credit card?)

B: 我會用信用卡,而且我還是會員,可以拿到贈品。
Wǒ huì yòng xìnyòngkǎ, érqiě wǒ háishì huìyuán, kěyǐ ná dào zèngpǐn.
(I’ll use my credit card, and I’m also a member, so I can get a free gift.)

A: 真划算!
Zhēn huásuàn!
(That’s a good deal!)


  1. 你最常去哪一個百貨公司?
    Nǐ zuì cháng qù nǎ yī ge bǎihuò gōngsī?
    (Which department store do you visit the most?)
  2. 你喜歡逛哪一類的店?
    Nǐ xǐhuān guàng nǎ yī lèi de diàn?
    (What kind of stores do you like to visit?)
  3. 你通常會參加百貨公司的促銷活動嗎?
    Nǐ tōngcháng huì cānjiā bǎihuò gōngsī de cùxiāo huódòng ma?
    (Do you usually participate in department store promotions?)