點餐 Ordering Food

Learn how to order food in Mandarin! This A1-level dialogue helps you practice essential phrases like “I want” and “recommend,” perfect for navigating restaurants in Taiwan or other Mandarin-speaking places.

中文單字 Vocabulary

  1. 推薦 (tuījiàn) – Recommend
  2. 菜 (cài) – Dish / Food
  3. 宮保雞丁 (gōngbǎo jīdīng) – Kung Pao Chicken
  4. 好吃 (hǎochī) – Delicious
  5. 份 (fèn) – Order (measure word for serving)
  6. 湯 (tāng) – Soup
  7. 酸辣湯 (suānlà tāng) – Sour and spicy soup
  8. 稍等 (shāo děng) – Wait a moment
  9. 謝謝 (xièxiè) – Thank you

對話內容 Dialogue

A: 你好,請問有什麼推薦的菜嗎?
Nǐ hǎo, qǐngwèn yǒu shénme tuījiàn de cài ma?
Hello, do you have any recommended dishes?

B: 我推薦這道宮保雞丁,非常好吃。
Wǒ tuījiàn zhè dào gōngbǎo jīdīng, fēicháng hǎochī.
I recommend the Kung Pao Chicken, it’s really delicious.

A: 好的,我要一份宮保雞丁,還要一碗湯。
Hǎo de, wǒ yào yí fèn gōngbǎo jīdīng, hái yào yí wǎn tāng.
Okay, I’ll have one order of Kung Pao Chicken and a bowl of soup.

B: 要什麼湯呢?
Yào shénme tāng ne?
What kind of soup would you like?

A: 我想要酸辣湯。
Wǒ xiǎng yào suānlà tāng.
I would like sour and spicy soup.

B: 好的,請稍等。
Hǎo de, qǐng shāo děng.
Okay, please wait a moment.

A: 謝謝!
Thank you!

問題延伸 Practice Questions

A) 宮保雞丁
B) 酸辣湯
C) 牛排
D) 魚湯

2. 你喜歡吃什麼菜?為什麼?

3. 用「推薦」造句,例如:我推薦你吃這道菜。

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