網購 Online Shopping

This A2-level Chinese conversation teaches how to talk about online shopping. Learn useful phrases for discussing purchases, product selection, and shopping experiences.

中文單字 Chinese Vocabulary

  1. 網購 (wǎnggòu) – Online shopping
  2. 方便 (fāngbiàn) – Convenient
  3. 選擇 (xuǎnzé) – Choice, selection
  4. 評價 (píngjià) – Review, rating
  5. 買家留言 (mǎijiā liúyán) – Buyer comments
  6. 比價 (bǐjià) – Price comparison
  7. 日用品 (rìyòngpǐn) – Daily necessities
  8. 退貨 (tuìhuò) – Return a product
  9. 合適 (héshì) – Suitable, fitting
  10. 國外 (guówài) – Abroad

對話內容 Chinese Conversation / Dialogue

A: 你喜歡網購嗎?
Nǐ xǐhuān wǎnggòu ma?
Do you like online shopping?

B: 喜歡!網購很方便,而且選擇很多。
Xǐhuān! Wǎnggòu hěn fāngbiàn, érqiě xuǎnzé hěn duō.
Yes! Online shopping is very convenient, and there are many choices.

A: 你通常買什麼?
Nǐ tōngcháng mǎi shénme?
What do you usually buy?

B: 我常買衣服、鞋子,還有一些日用品。
Wǒ cháng mǎi yīfú, xiézi, hái yǒu yīxiē rìyòngpǐn.
I often buy clothes, shoes, and some daily necessities.

A: 那你怎麼選擇好的商品?
Nà nǐ zěnme xuǎnzé hǎo de shāngpǐn?
How do you choose good products?

B: 我會看評價和買家留言,還有比價。
Wǒ huì kàn píngjià hé mǎijiā liúyán, hái yǒu bǐjià.
I check reviews and buyer comments, and I also compare prices.

A: 聰明!可是網購有時候要等很久,對吧?
Cōngmíng! Kěshì wǎnggòu yǒushíhòu yào děng hěn jiǔ, duì ba?
Smart! But sometimes online shopping takes a long time, right?

B: 對啊,尤其是從國外買東西的時候。
Duì a, yóuqí shì cóng guówài mǎi dōngxī de shíhòu.
Yes, especially when buying things from abroad.

A: 有沒有發生過買錯東西的經驗?
Yǒu méiyǒu fāshēng guò mǎi cuò dōngxī de jīngyàn?
Have you ever bought the wrong item?

B: 有一次買了不合適的鞋子,還好可以退貨!
Yǒu yīcì mǎi le bù héshì de xiézi, háihǎo kěyǐ tuìhuò!
One time, I bought shoes that didn’t fit, but luckily, I could return them!

問題延伸 Chinese Practice Questions

Role Play
A: 你喜歡___嗎?
B: 喜歡!網購很___,而且___很多。
A: 你常買___嗎?

1. 你最常在網上買什麼?

2. 你會在網購前查看評價嗎?為什麼?

3. 你有沒有網購的有趣經驗?

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