台灣旅遊必買-悠遊卡 Must-Buy for Taiwan Travel: EasyCard


悠遊卡是台灣旅遊的必備品,它可以讓你的交通更加方便快捷。這篇文章將介紹悠遊卡的使用方法和購買地點。The EasyCard is a must-have for traveling in Taiwan, making your transportation easier and faster. This article introduces how to use and where to buy the EasyCard.


  1. 悠遊卡 (Yōuyóu kǎ) – EasyCard
  2. 旅遊 (lǚyóu) – Travel
  3. 交通 (jiāotōng) – Transportation
  4. 公車 (gōngchē) – Bus
  5. 捷運 (jiéyùn) – MRT (Mass Rapid Transit)
  6. 購買 (gòumǎi) – Purchase
  7. 便利 (biànlì) – Convenient
  8. 充值 (chōngzhí) – Top-up/Recharge
  9. 車票 (chēpiào) – Ticket
  10. 便利商店 (biànlì shāngdiàn) – Convenience Store


A: 我聽說悠遊卡在台灣很有用,是真的嗎?
Wǒ tīngshuō Yōuyóu kǎ zài Táiwān hěn yǒuyòng, shì zhēn de ma?
(I heard that the EasyCard is very useful in Taiwan, is that true?)

B: 是的,悠遊卡可以用來坐公車和捷運,非常方便。
Shì de, Yōuyóu kǎ kěyǐ yòng lái zuò gōngchē hé jiéyùn, fēicháng fāngbiàn.
(Yes, the EasyCard can be used for buses and the MRT, it’s very convenient.)

A: 那我應該在哪裡購買悠遊卡呢?
Nà wǒ yīnggāi zài nǎlǐ gòumǎi Yōuyóu kǎ ne?
(So where should I buy an EasyCard?)

B: 你可以在捷運站或便利商店購買,還可以隨時充值。
Nǐ kěyǐ zài jiéyùn zhàn huò biànlì shāngdiàn gòumǎi, hái kěyǐ suíshí chōngzhí.
(You can buy it at MRT stations or convenience stores, and you can top it up anytime.)

A: 太好了!我一定要買一張。
Tài hǎo le! Wǒ yīdìng yào mǎi yī zhāng.
(Great! I definitely need to buy one.)


  1. 你有使用過悠遊卡嗎?在哪裡使用?
    Nǐ yǒu shǐyòng guò Yōuyóu kǎ ma? Zài nǎlǐ shǐyòng?
    (Have you used an EasyCard? Where did you use it?)
  2. 為什麼悠遊卡在台灣這麼受歡迎?
    Wèishéme Yōuyóu kǎ zài Táiwān zhème shòu huānyíng?
    (Why is the EasyCard so popular in Taiwan?)
  3. 你覺得悠遊卡對旅遊來說有什麼好處?
    Nǐ juéde Yōuyóu kǎ duì lǚyóu lái shuō yǒu shénme hǎochù?
    (What benefits do you think the EasyCard has for travel?)
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