月餅 Mooncakes

月餅是中秋節的重要象徵,代表著家庭團圓和節日的喜悅。這篇文章適合A2水平的學習者,探討月餅的傳統意義和不同口味的選擇。Mooncakes are an important symbol of the Mid-Autumn Festival, representing family reunion and holiday joy. This article is suitable for A2-level learners and explores the traditional significance of mooncakes and the variety of flavors available.


  1. 月餅 (yuèbǐng) – Mooncake
  2. 中秋節 (Zhōngqiūjié) – Mid-Autumn Festival
  3. 團圓 (tuányuán) – Reunion
  4. 味道 (wèidào) – Flavor
  5. 傳統 (chuántǒng) – Tradition


A: 中秋節快到了,你會吃月餅嗎?
Zhōngqiūjié kuài dàole, nǐ huì chī yuèbǐng ma?
(A: The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon. Will you eat mooncakes?)

B: 當然會!我最喜歡吃蛋黃月餅。
Dāngrán huì! Wǒ zuì xǐhuān chī dànhuáng yuèbǐng.
(B: Of course! I love eating mooncakes with salted egg yolk.)

A: 我也是!你知道月餅代表什麼嗎?
Wǒ yěshì! Nǐ zhīdào yuèbǐng dàibiǎo shénme ma?
(A: Me too! Do you know what mooncakes represent?)

B: 月餅代表團圓,是一家人一起過節的重要食物。
Yuèbǐng dàibiǎo tuányuán, shì yījiā rén yīqǐ guòjié de zhòngyào shíwù.
(B: Mooncakes represent reunion and are an important food for families celebrating together.)

A: 沒錯,中秋節的時候,一邊賞月一邊吃月餅,很有意思。
Méi cuò, Zhōngqiūjié de shíhòu, yībiān shǎng yuè yībiān chī yuèbǐng, hěn yǒuyìsi.
(A: Exactly, during the Mid-Autumn Festival, it’s very meaningful to enjoy mooncakes while watching the moon.)


  1. 你喜歡吃什麼口味的月餅?
    Nǐ xǐhuān chī shénme kǒuwèi de yuèbǐng?
    (What flavor of mooncake do you like?)
  2. 你知道月餅的由來嗎?
    Nǐ zhīdào yuèbǐng de yóulái ma?
    (Do you know the origin of mooncakes?)
  3. 你和家人一起過中秋節嗎?
    Nǐ hé jiārén yīqǐ guò Zhōngqiūjié ma?
    (Do you celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with your family?)
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