Miso soup is a classic Japanese dish. This A2-level dialogue teaches you how to talk about making miso soup, from ingredients like tofu and seaweed to cooking techniques. Learn key vocabulary and practice your Chinese with this fun conversation!
中文單字 Vocabulary
- 味噌 (wèizēng) – Miso
- 湯 (tāng) – Soup
- 昆布 (kūnbù) – Kelp
- 柴魚片 (cháiyú piàn) – Bonito flakes
- 豆腐 (dòufu) – Tofu
- 海帶 (hǎidài) – Seaweed
- 蔥 (cōng) – Green onion
- 香菇 (xiānggū) – Mushroom
- 煮開 (zhǔ kāi) – Boil
- 關火 (guānhuǒ) – Turn off the heat
對話內容 Dialogue
A: 你喜歡喝味噌湯嗎?
Nǐ xǐhuān hē wèizēng tāng ma?
Do you like drinking miso soup?
B: 喜歡!味噌湯很好喝,而且很健康。
Xǐhuān! Wèizēng tāng hěn hǎohē, érqiě hěn jiànkāng.
Yes! Miso soup is delicious and healthy.
A: 你知道怎麼做味噌湯嗎?
Nǐ zhīdào zěnme zuò wèizēng tāng ma?
Do you know how to make miso soup?
B: 知道!先把水煮開,然後加昆布和柴魚片。
Zhīdào! Xiān bǎ shuǐ zhǔ kāi, ránhòu jiā kūnbù hé cháiyú piàn.
Yes! First, boil water, then add kelp and bonito flakes.
A: 味噌要什麼時候放?
Wèizēng yào shénme shíhòu fàng?
When do you add the miso?
B: 關火後再放味噌,這樣味道比較好。
Guānhuǒ hòu zài fàng wèizēng, zhèyàng wèidào bǐjiào hǎo.
Add the miso after turning off the heat; this keeps the flavor better.
A: 我知道了!還可以加豆腐和海帶吧?
Wǒ zhīdào le! Hái kěyǐ jiā dòufu hé hǎidài ba?
Got it! You can also add tofu and seaweed, right?
B: 對,還可以加蔥和香菇!
Duì, hái kěyǐ jiā cōng hé xiānggū!
Yes! You can also add green onions and mushrooms!
問題延伸 Practice Questions
Role Play
A: 你喜歡喝___嗎?
B: 喜歡!很好喝,而且很____。
A: 你知道怎麼做___嗎?
1. 你喜歡喝什麼湯?為什麼?
2. 你有做過味噌湯嗎?你加了什麼食材?
3. 你覺得味噌湯適合搭配哪些食物?