Mastering Small Talk in Taiwan: 30 Sentences to Help you make new friends.

Want to make new friends in Taiwan and impress the locals with your conversational skills? This comprehensive guide provides 30 essential Chinese phrases to help you start and maintain conversations with ease. Whether you’re a beginner or looking to enhance your language abilities, these practical expressions will equip you with the tools you need to navigate various social situations in Taiwan.

From simple greetings and introductions to discussing popular topics like food, travel, and current events, this guide covers all the bases. We’ve also included some cultural tips to help you understand the nuances of Taiwanese small talk.

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Greetings and Introductions

  1. 你好!Nǐ hǎo! (Hello!)
  2. 早安!Zǎo ān! (Good morning!)
  3. 下午好!Xiàwǔ hǎo! (Good afternoon!)
  4. 晚上好!Wǎnshàng hǎo! (Good evening!)
  5. 你叫什麼名字?Nǐ jiào shénme míngzi? (What’s your name?)
  6. 我叫… Wǒ jiào… (My name is…)
  7. 你是哪裡人?Nǐ shì nǎlǐ rén? (Where are you from?)
  8. 我是…人。Wǒ shì… rén. (I’m from…)
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General Questions

  1. 你最近還好嗎?Nǐ zuìjìn hái hǎo ma? (How are you doing recently?)
  2. 你在做什麼工作?Nǐ zài zuò shénme gōngzuò? (What do you do for a living?)
  3. 你喜歡吃什麼?Nǐ xǐhuan chī shénme? (What do you like to eat?)
  4. 你喜歡喝什麼?Nǐ xǐhuan hē shénme? (What do you like to drink?)
  5. 你有興趣去哪裡旅遊嗎?Nǐ yǒu xìngqù qù nǎlǐ lǚyóu ma? (Are you interested in traveling anywhere?)
  6. 你最近有沒有看什麼好電影?Nǐ zuìjìn yǒu méiyǒu kàn shénme hǎokàn de diànyǐng? (Have you watched any good movies recently?)

Taiwan-Specific Topics

  1. 你喜歡吃哪家小吃?Nǐ xǐhuan chī nǎjiā xiǎochī? (What’s your favorite Taiwanese snack?)
  2. 你知道夜市嗎?Nǐ zhīdào yèshì ma? (Do you know about night markets?)
  3. 你喜歡看棒球嗎?Nǐ xǐhuan kàn bàngqiú ma? (Do you like watching baseball?)
  4. 你聽過珍珠奶茶嗎?Nǐ tīngguò zhēnzhū nǎichá ma? (Have you heard of bubble tea?)
  5. 你知道台灣的廟會嗎?Nǐ zhīdào Táiwān de miàohuì ma? (Do you know about Taiwanese temple festivals?)
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Weather and Current Events

  1. 天氣真好,不是嗎?Tiānqì zhēnhǎo, bùshì ma? (Nice weather, isn’t it?)
  2. 你覺得今天會下雨嗎?Nǐ juéde jīntiān huì xiàyǔ ma? (Do you think it will rain today?)
  3. 你有看新聞嗎?Nǐ yǒu kàn xīnwén ma? (Have you watched the news?)
  4. 你知道最近發生什麼事嗎?Nǐ zhīdào zuìjìn fāshēng shénme shì ma? (Do you know what’s going on recently?)

Compliments and Appreciation

  1. 你看起來很好。Nǐ kànqǐlai hěn hǎo. (You look good.)
  2. 你的衣服很漂亮。Nǐ de yīfú hěn piàoliang. (Your clothes are beautiful.)
  3. 謝謝你的招待。Xièxiè nǐ de zhāodài. (Thank you for your hospitality.)
  4. 你真的很厲害。Nǐ zhēn de hěn lìhài. (You’re really amazing.)

General Phrases

  1. 不客氣。Bù kèqi. (You’re welcome.)
  2. 再見!Zàijiàn! (Goodbye!)
  3. 晚安!Wǎn’ān! (Good night!)

Remember, the key to successful small talk is to be friendly, interested, and engaged. By using these phrases and asking open-ended questions, you can easily strike up conversations with Taiwanese people and make new friends.
