做衣服 Making Clothes

In this A1-level conversation, you will practice talking about making clothes, such as sewing simple garments like T-shirts and skirts. The dialogue introduces vocabulary related to clothing-making tools and materials, helping learners build practical language skills.

中文單字 Chinese Vocabulary

  1. 做 (zuò) – To make, to do
  2. 衣服 (yīfú) – Clothes
  3. 縫紉 (féngrèn) – To sew
  4. 簡單 (jiǎndān) – Simple
  5. T恤 (T xù) – T-shirt
  6. 裙子 (qúnzi) – Skirt
  7. 材料 (cáiliào) – Materials
  8. 布料 (bùliào) – Fabric
  9. 針線 (zhēn xiàn) – Needle and thread
  10. 剪刀 (jiǎndāo) – Scissors

對話內容 Chinese Conversation / Dialogue

A: 你會做衣服嗎?
Nǐ huì zuò yīfú ma?
Can you make clothes?

B: 會一點,我會縫紉一些簡單的衣服。
Huì yīdiǎn, wǒ huì féngrèn yīxiē jiǎndān de yīfú.
A little bit, I can sew some simple clothes.

A: 哇!那聽起來很厲害。你做過什麼衣服呢?
Wā! Nà tīng qǐlái hěn lìhài. Nǐ zuòguò shénme yīfú ne?
Wow! That sounds amazing. What clothes have you made?

B: 我做過一件簡單的T恤和一條裙子。
Wǒ zuòguò yī jiàn jiǎndān de T xù hé yī tiáo qúnzi.
I made a simple T-shirt and a skirt.

A: 真的很厲害!做衣服需要什麼材料?
Zhēn de hěn lìhài! Zuò yīfú xūyào shénme cáiliào?
That’s really impressive! What materials do you need to make clothes?

B: 需要布料、針線、剪刀等工具。
Xūyào bùliào, zhēn xiàn, jiǎndāo děng gōngjù.
You need fabric, needles and thread, scissors, and other tools.

A: 聽起來很有趣,我也想學做衣服!
Tīng qǐlái hěn yǒuqù, wǒ yě xiǎng xué zuò yīfú!
That sounds fun, I also want to learn how to make clothes!

問題延伸 Chinese Practice Questions

Role Play
A: 做衣服需要___、針線和___。
B: 我會做___和___。
C: 你需要___來做衣服。

1. 你會做哪些衣服?

2. 你覺得做衣服難嗎?

3. 做衣服的過程是怎麼樣的?

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