我住台灣八個月了 I’ve Lived in Taiwan for Eight Months

Practice beginner-level Chinese with this fun dialogue about living in Taiwan! Learn how to talk about time, favorite foods, and friendly experiences in Taiwan. Perfect for A1 learners exploring Mandarin basics!

中文單字 Vocabulary

  1. 住 (zhù) – Live
  2. 多久 (duōjiǔ) – How long
  3. 月 (yuè) – Month
  4. 年 (nián) – Year
  5. 喜歡 (xǐhuān) – Like
  6. 熱情 (rèqíng) – Friendly
  7. 食物 (shíwù) – Food
  8. 滷肉飯 (lǔròu fàn) – Braised pork rice
  9. 珍珠奶茶 (zhēnzhū nǎichá) – Bubble tea
  10. 一起 (yìqǐ) – Together

對話內容 Dialogue

A: 你住在台灣多久了?
Nǐ zhù zài Táiwān duōjiǔ le?
How long have you lived in Taiwan?

B: 我住台灣八個月了。你呢?
Wǒ zhù Táiwān bā gè yuè le. Nǐ ne?
I’ve lived in Taiwan for eight months. How about you?

A: 我住三年了!你喜歡台灣嗎?
Wǒ zhù sān nián le! Nǐ xǐhuān Táiwān ma?
I’ve lived here for three years! Do you like Taiwan?

B: 很喜歡!台灣人很熱情,食物也很好吃。
Hěn xǐhuān! Táiwānrén hěn rèqíng, shíwù yě hěn hǎochī.
I like it a lot! Taiwanese people are very friendly, and the food is delicious.

A: 你最喜歡吃什麼?
Nǐ zuì xǐhuān chī shénme?
What do you like to eat the most?

B: 我最喜歡吃滷肉飯和珍珠奶茶!
Wǒ zuì xǐhuān chī lǔròu fàn hé zhēnzhū nǎichá!
I like braised pork rice and bubble tea the most!

A: 我也是!下次一起去吃吧!
Wǒ yě shì! Xià cì yìqǐ qù chī ba!
Me too! Let’s go eat together next time!

問題延伸 Practice Questions

A) 一種台灣的食物
B) 一種飲料
C) 一種水果
D) 一種甜點

2. 你住在台灣多久了?最喜歡的台灣食物是什麼?

3. 用「我住……了」造句,例如:我住台灣一年了。

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