This A2-level dialogue introduces how to talk about snow in Chinese. Learn vocabulary related to winter, weather, and fun snow activities. Practice simple conversations about dressing warmly and enjoying snowy days!
中文單字 Vocabulary
- 下雪 (xiàxuě) – Snowing
- 漂亮 (piàoliang) – Beautiful
- 堆雪人 (duī xuěrén) – Build a snowman
- 天氣 (tiānqì) – Weather
- 冷 (lěng) – Cold
- 變得 (biàn de) – Become
- 穿 (chuān) – Wear (clothes)
- 暖 (nuǎn) – Warm
- 外面 (wàimiàn) – Outside
- 拍照 (pāizhào) – Take pictures
對話內容 Dialogue
A: 你看!下雪了!
Nǐ kàn! Xiàxuě le!
Look! It’s snowing!
B: 哇!好漂亮啊!你喜歡下雪嗎?
Wā! Hǎo piàoliang a! Nǐ xǐhuān xiàxuě ma?
Wow! It’s so beautiful! Do you like snow?
A: 我很喜歡,因為可以玩雪,還可以堆雪人!
Wǒ hěn xǐhuān, yīnwèi kěyǐ wán xuě, hái kěyǐ duī xuěrén!
I love it because I can play in the snow and build a snowman!
B: 可是天氣變得好冷哦。
Kěshì tiānqì biàn de hǎo lěng o.
But the weather has become so cold.
A: 對,所以我們要穿暖一點!
Duì, suǒyǐ wǒmen yào chuān nuǎn yīdiǎn!
Yes, so we need to dress warmly!
B: 好啊!我們去外面拍照吧!
Hǎo a! Wǒmen qù wàimiàn pāizhào ba!
Great! Let’s go outside and take pictures!
問題延伸 Practice Questions
Role Play
A: 你看!___了!
B: 哇!好___啊!
A: 我們可以___,還可以___!
1. 你喜歡雪天還是晴天?為什麼?
2. 如果下雪了,你最想做什麼?
3. 下雪的時候要穿什麼衣服?