天氣怎麼樣? How’s the Weather?

Learn how to talk about the weather in Chinese! This A1-level dialogue covers sunny, rainy, and cold weather, along with key vocabulary and simple phrases. Perfect for beginners starting everyday Chinese conversations.

中文單字 Vocabulary

  1. 天氣 (tiānqì) – Weather
  2. 今天 (jīntiān) – Today
  3. 晴天 (qíngtiān) – Sunny day
  4. 陽光 (yángguāng) – Sunlight
  5. 明天 (míngtiān) – Tomorrow
  6. 下雨 (xiàyǔ) – Rain
  7. 雨傘 (yǔsǎn) – Umbrella
  8. 後天 (hòutiān) – The day after tomorrow
  9. 冷 (lěng) – Cold
  10. 暖 (nuǎn) – Warm

對話內容 Dialogue

A: 你好!今天的天氣怎麼樣?
Nǐ hǎo! Jīntiān de tiānqì zěnme yàng?
Hi! How’s the weather today?

B: 今天是晴天,陽光很好。
Jīntiān shì qíngtiān, yángguāng hěn hǎo.
It’s sunny today, and the sunlight is great.

A: 聽起來不錯!那明天呢?
Tīng qǐlái búcuò! Nà míngtiān ne?
Sounds good! What about tomorrow?

B: 明天可能會下雨,記得帶雨傘。
Míngtiān kěnéng huì xiàyǔ, jìdé dài yǔsǎn.
It might rain tomorrow, so remember to bring an umbrella.

A: 好的,那後天會冷嗎?
Hǎo de, nà hòutiān huì lěng ma?
Okay, will it be cold the day after tomorrow?

B: 後天會變冷,穿暖一點吧!
Hòutiān huì biàn lěng, chuān nuǎn yīdiǎn ba!
It will get cold the day after tomorrow, so dress warmly!

問題延伸 Practice Questions

A) raining
B) sunny
C) cold
D) windy

2. 你喜歡晴天還是雨天?為什麼?

3. 用「天氣」造句,例如:今天的天氣很好,我們去公園吧!

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