This A2-level Chinese dialogue covers shopping at the market. Learn how to talk about grocery shopping, fresh ingredients, and price comparisons in Mandarin.
中文單字 Chinese Vocabulary
- 菜市場 (càishìchǎng) – Market
- 計畫 (jìhuà) – Plan
- 蔬菜 (shūcài) – Vegetables
- 水果 (shuǐguǒ) – Fruits
- 雞肉 (jīròu) – Chicken
- 海鮮 (hǎixiān) – Seafood
- 便宜 (piányi) – Cheap
- 超市 (chāoshì) – Supermarket
- 新鮮 (xīnxiān) – Fresh
- 老闆 (lǎobǎn) – Vendor, boss
對話內容 Chinese Conversation / Dialogue
A: 你週末有什麼計畫?
Nǐ zhōumò yǒu shénme jìhuà?
What are your plans for the weekend?
B: 我要去菜市場買菜。
Wǒ yào qù càishìchǎng mǎi cài.
I’m going to the market to buy groceries.
A: 你通常在菜市場買什麼?
Nǐ tōngcháng zài càishìchǎng mǎi shénme?
What do you usually buy at the market?
B: 我會買蔬菜、水果、雞肉,還有海鮮。
Wǒ huì mǎi shūcài, shuǐguǒ, jīròu, hái yǒu hǎixiān.
I buy vegetables, fruits, chicken, and seafood.
A: 在菜市場買東西便宜嗎?
Zài càishìchǎng mǎi dōngxī piányi ma?
Is it cheaper to buy things at the market?
B: 對,比超市便宜,而且食材很新鮮。
Duì, bǐ chāoshì piányi, érqiě shícái hěn xīnxiān.
Yes, it’s cheaper than the supermarket, and the ingredients are fresh.
A: 你喜歡去菜市場嗎?
Nǐ xǐhuān qù càishìchǎng ma?
Do you like going to the market?
B: 喜歡!我喜歡和老闆聊天,還可以學到一些買菜的技巧。
Xǐhuān! Wǒ xǐhuān hé lǎobǎn liáotiān, hái kěyǐ xuédào yīxiē mǎicài de jìqiǎo.
Yes! I like chatting with the vendors and learning some shopping tips.
A: 那我們一起去吧!
Nà wǒmen yīqǐ qù ba!
Then let’s go together!
問題延伸 Chinese Practice Questions
Role Play
A: 你週末有什麼___?
B: 我要去___買菜。
A: 你會買___、___和___嗎?
B: 對,___很新鮮!
1. 你多久去一次菜市場?
2. 你覺得菜市場比超市好嗎?為什麼?
3. 你喜歡和老闆聊天嗎?