去醫院看醫生 Going to the hospital to see a doctor.

This A2-level dialogue helps you practice essential Chinese vocabulary for visiting the doctor. Learn how to discuss symptoms, appointments, and medication in a hospital setting. Perfect for beginners wanting to improve their medical-related conversations in Chinese!

中文單字 Vocabulary

  1. 醫院 (yīyuàn) – Hospital
  2. 醫生 (yīshēng) – Doctor
  3. 看診 (kànzhěn) – Medical consultation
  4. 預約 (yùyuē) – Appointment
  5. 症狀 (zhèngzhuàng) – Symptoms
  6. 藥 (yào) – Medicine
  7. 處方 (chǔfāng) – Prescription
  8. 健康 (jiànkāng) – Health
  9. 掛號 (guàhào) – Register
  10. 休息 (xiūxí) – Rest

對話內容 Dialogue

A: 你今天要去看醫生嗎?
Nǐ jīntiān yào qù kàn yīshēng ma?
Are you going to see the doctor today?

B: 對,我早上預約了。
Duì, wǒ zǎoshang yùyuē le.
Yes, I made an appointment for the morning.

A: 你有什麼症狀?
Nǐ yǒu shénme zhèngzhuàng?
What symptoms do you have?

B: 我一直咳嗽,喉嚨也痛。
Wǒ yīzhí késòu, hóulóng yě tòng.
I’ve been coughing and my throat hurts.

A: 醫生開了什麼藥嗎?
Yīshēng kāile shénme yào ma?
Did the doctor prescribe any medicine?

B: 醫生開了一些藥,讓我多休息。
Yīshēng kāile yīxiē yào, ràng wǒ duō xiūxí.
The doctor prescribed some medicine and told me to rest more.

A: 希望你快點好起來!
Xīwàng nǐ kuài diǎn hǎo qǐlái!
I hope you get better soon!

問題延伸 Practice Questions

Nǐ wèishéme qù kàn yīshēng?
Why are you going to see the doctor?

Yīshēng gěi nǐ kāile shénme yào?
What medicine did the doctor prescribe?

Nǐ yùyuēle shénme shíjiān qù kànzhěn?
What time is your doctor’s appointment?

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