指路 Giving Directions

Learn how to ask for directions in Mandarin! Perfect for A1-level learners, this dialogue covers essential phrases like “turn left” and “go straight,” helping you navigate Taiwan or any Mandarin-speaking area with ease.

中文單字 Vocabulary

  1. 請問 (qǐngwèn) – Excuse me / May I ask
  2. 怎麼 (zěnme) – How
  3. 走 (zǒu) – Walk / Go
  4. 簡單 (jiǎndān) – Simple
  5. 一直 (yīzhí) – Straight
  6. 左轉 (zuǒ zhuǎn) – Turn left
  7. 遠 (yuǎn) – Far
  8. 分鐘 (fēnzhōng) – Minute
  9. 看到 (kàndào) – See
  10. 紅綠燈 (hónglǜdēng) – Traffic light

對話內容 Dialogue

A: 請問,XX路怎麼走?
Qǐngwèn, XX lù zěnme zǒu?
Excuse me, how do I get to XX road?

B: 很簡單,先一直走,然後左轉。
Hěn jiǎndān, xiān yīzhí zǒu, ránhòu zuǒ zhuǎn.
It’s simple, just go straight, then turn left.

A: 走多遠才左轉呢?
Zǒu duō yuǎn cái zuǒ zhuǎn ne?
How far do I need to walk before turning left?

B: 大概走五分鐘,然後你會看到左邊有一個紅綠燈。
Dàgài zǒu wǔ fēnzhōng, ránhòu nǐ huì kàn dào zuǒbiān yǒu yí ge hónglǜdēng.
Walk about five minutes, and then you’ll see a traffic light on the left.

A: 明白了,謝謝你!
Míngbái le, xièxiè nǐ!
Got it, thank you!

B: 不客氣,祝你順利!
Bù kèqì, zhù nǐ shùnlì!
You’re welcome, I wish you good luck!

問題延伸 Practice Questions

A) 右轉
B) 左轉
C) 一直走
D) 向後走

2. 如果你迷路了,會向別人問路嗎?為什麼?

3. 用「走」造句,例如:我每天走路去學校。

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