Curious about Chinese fortune telling? This A2-level dialogue teaches you common phrases for asking about love and career luck, providing your birth date, and discussing fate. Learn essential vocabulary and practice speaking in real-life scenarios!
中文單字 Vocabulary
- 算命 (suànmìng) – Fortune telling
- 感情運 (gǎnqíng yùn) – Love fortune
- 事業運 (shìyè yùn) – Career luck
- 出生年月日 (chūshēng niányuèrì) – Birthdate
- 機會 (jīhuì) – Opportunity
- 適合 (shìhé) – Suitable
- 挑戰 (tiǎozhàn) – Challenge
- 成功 (chénggōng) – Success
- 努力 (nǔlì) – Work hard
- 問題 (wèntí) – Question
對話內容 Dialogue
A: 你好,我想算命,可以嗎?
Nǐ hǎo, wǒ xiǎng suànmìng, kěyǐ ma?
Hello, I want to have my fortune told. Is that okay?
B: 當然可以!你想算什麼?
Dāngrán kěyǐ! Nǐ xiǎng suàn shénme?
Of course! What would you like to know?
A: 我想知道我的感情運和事業運。
Wǒ xiǎng zhīdào wǒ de gǎnqíng yùn hé shìyè yùn.
I want to know about my love life and career luck.
B: 你可以給我你的出生年月日和時間嗎?
Nǐ kěyǐ gěi wǒ nǐ de chūshēng niányuèrì hé shíjiān ma?
Can you give me your birth date and time?
A: 好的,我是1995年5月10日,早上八點出生的。
Hǎo de, wǒ shì 1995 nián 5 yuè 10 rì, zǎoshang bā diǎn chūshēng de.
Sure, I was born on May 10, 1995, at 8 AM.
B: 你的感情運今年很好,有機會遇到適合的人。
Nǐ de gǎnqíng yùn jīnnián hěn hǎo, yǒu jīhuì yùdào shìhé de rén.
Your love fortune is good this year; you may meet the right person.
A: 太好了!那我的事業呢?
Tài hǎo le! Nà wǒ de shìyè ne?
That’s great! How about my career?
B: 你的事業會有一些挑戰,但如果努力,就會成功。
Nǐ de shìyè huì yǒu yīxiē tiǎozhàn, dàn rúguǒ nǔlì, jiù huì chénggōng.
Your career will have some challenges, but if you work hard, you will succeed.
A: 謝謝!那我還可以問別的問題嗎?
Xièxiè! Nà wǒ hái kěyǐ wèn bié de wèntí ma?
Thank you! Can I ask more questions?
B: 當然可以!請問你還想知道什麼?
Dāngrán kěyǐ! Qǐngwèn nǐ hái xiǎng zhīdào shénme?
Of course! What else would you like to know?
問題延伸 Practice Questions
Role Play
A: 你好,我想,可以嗎?
B: 當然可以!你想算?
A: 我想知道我的和。
1. 你有算過命嗎?結果準不準?
2. 你相信算命嗎?為什麼?
3. 你的國家有哪些傳統的占卜方式?