面膜 Facial Mask

Facial masks are a popular skincare routine. This A2-level dialogue teaches how to talk about using facial masks, skincare benefits, and steps for applying a mask. Learn key vocabulary and practice your Chinese while discussing beauty habits!

中文單字 Vocabulary

  1. 面膜 (miànmó) – Facial mask
  2. 敷 (fū) – Apply (a mask)
  3. 皮膚 (pífū) – Skin
  4. 保濕 (bǎoshī) – Moisturizing
  5. 乾 (gān) – Dry
  6. 洗臉 (xǐliǎn) – Wash face
  7. 按摩 (ànmó) – Massage
  8. 精華 (jīnghuá) – Essence
  9. 吸收 (xīshōu) – Absorb
  10. 拿下來 (ná xiàlái) – Take off

對話內容 Dialogue

A: 你常常敷面膜嗎?
Nǐ chángcháng fū miànmó ma?
Do you often use facial masks?

B: 是啊!敷面膜可以讓皮膚變好。
Shì a! Fū miànmó kěyǐ ràng pífū biàn hǎo.
Yes! Using facial masks can make your skin better.

A: 你喜歡哪一種面膜?
Nǐ xǐhuān nǎ yī zhǒng miànmó?
What kind of facial mask do you like?

B: 我喜歡保濕面膜,因為我的皮膚很乾。
Wǒ xǐhuān bǎoshī miànmó, yīnwèi wǒ de pífū hěn gān.
I like moisturizing masks because my skin is very dry.

A: 怎麼敷面膜呢?
Nǐ zěnme fū miànmó ne?
How do you use a facial mask?

B: 先洗臉,然後敷上面膜,等十五分鐘再拿下來。
Xiān xǐliǎn, ránhòu fū shàng miànmó, děng shíwǔ fēnzhōng zài ná xiàlái.
First, wash your face, then apply the mask, and take it off after 15 minutes.

A: 敷完面膜要洗臉嗎?
Fū wán miànmó yào xǐliǎn ma?
Do you need to wash your face after using a facial mask?

B: 不用,只要輕輕按摩,讓皮膚吸收精華就可以了。
Bùyòng, zhǐyào qīngqīng ànmó, ràng pífū xīshōu jīnghuá jiù kěyǐ le.
No, just gently massage to help the skin absorb the essence.

問題延伸 Practice Questions

Role Play
A: 你喜歡___嗎?
B: 喜歡!___可以讓皮膚變好。
A: 你都怎麼___?

1. 你多久敷一次面膜?

2. 你喜歡保濕面膜還是美白面膜?

3. 你有做過自己DIY的面膜嗎?

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