元宵節吃湯圓 Eating Tangyuan on Lantern Festival

This A2-level Mandarin conversation teaches you how to talk about eating tangyuan on Lantern Festival! Learn about the tradition of eating these sweet rice balls, their symbolic meaning, and common flavors like black sesame and peanut. Includes key vocabulary, a dialogue, and practice exercises!

中文單字 Chinese Vocabulary

  1. 元宵節 (Yuánxiāojié) – Lantern Festival
  2. 湯圓 (tāngyuán) – Tangyuan (glutinous rice balls)
  3. 黑芝麻 (hēi zhīmá) – Black sesame
  4. 花生 (huāshēng) – Peanut
  5. 口味 (kǒuwèi) – Flavor
  6. 形狀 (xíngzhuàng) – Shape
  7. 月亮 (yuèliàng) – Moon
  8. 象徵 (xiàngzhēng) – Symbolize
  9. 團圓 (tuányuán) – Reunion
  10. 幸福 (xìngfú) – Happiness

對話內容 Chinese Conversation / Dialogue

A: 今天是元宵節,你吃湯圓了嗎?
Jīntiān shì Yuánxiāojié, nǐ chī tāngyuán le ma?
Today is the Lantern Festival. Have you eaten tangyuan?

B: 當然吃了!我最喜歡黑芝麻口味的湯圓。
Dāngrán chī le! Wǒ zuì xǐhuān hēi zhīmá kǒuwèi de tāngyuán.
Of course! I love black sesame tangyuan the most.

A: 我也喜歡黑芝麻的,但花生口味的也很好吃。
Wǒ yě xǐhuān hēi zhīmá de, dàn huāshēng kǒuwèi de yě hěn hǎochī.
I also like black sesame, but the peanut flavor is also delicious.

B: 你知道為什麼元宵節要吃湯圓嗎?
Nǐ zhīdào wèishéme Yuánxiāojié yào chī tāngyuán ma?
Do you know why we eat tangyuan on Lantern Festival?

A: 因為湯圓的形狀像圓圓的月亮,象徵團圓和幸福!
Yīnwèi tāngyuán de xíngzhuàng xiàng yuányuán de yuèliàng, xiàngzhēng tuányuán hé xìngfú!
Because tangyuan is round like the full moon, it symbolizes family reunion and happiness!

B: 對啊!所以大家一起吃湯圓,代表一家人團圓在一起。
Duì a! Suǒyǐ dàjiā yìqǐ chī tāngyuán, dàibiǎo yì jiārén tuányuán zài yìqǐ.
Yes! That’s why eating tangyuan together represents family unity.

問題延伸 Chinese Practice Questions

Role Play
A: 今天是____,我們要吃____。
B: 我最喜歡____口味的湯圓。
A: 湯圓的形狀像____,代表____。

1. 你喜歡吃什麼口味的湯圓?

2. 你怎麼和家人或朋友一起過元宵節?

3. 你覺得湯圓好吃嗎?你喜歡甜的還是鹹的?

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