你喜歡跳舞嗎? Do You Like Dancing?

This A2-level Chinese conversation teaches how to talk about dancing. Learn how to ask and answer questions about dance preferences, experience, and recommendations.

中文單字 Chinese Vocabulary

  1. 跳舞 (tiàowǔ) – To dance
  2. 流行舞 (liúxíng wǔ) – Pop dance
  3. 上課 (shàngkè) – Take a class
  4. 學習 (xuéxí) – To learn
  5. 街舞 (jiēwǔ) – Hip-hop dance
  6. 拉丁舞 (lādīng wǔ) – Latin dance
  7. 試試看 (shìshì kàn) – To give it a try
  8. 厲害 (lìhài) – Amazing, impressive
  9. 有趣 (yǒuqù) – Interesting
  10. 應該 (yīnggāi) – Should

對話內容 Chinese Conversation / Dialogue

A: 你喜歡跳舞嗎?
Nǐ xǐhuān tiàowǔ ma?
Do you like dancing?

B: 喜歡!我最喜歡跳流行舞。
Xǐhuān! Wǒ zuì xǐhuān tiào liúxíng wǔ.
Yes! I love dancing to pop music.

A: 哇!好厲害!你學了多久?
Wā! Hǎo lìhài! Nǐ xué le duōjiǔ?
Wow! That’s amazing! How long have you been learning?

B: 我學了一年了,每個星期都去上課。
Wǒ xué le yī nián le, měi gè xīngqī dōu qù shàngkè.
I’ve been learning for a year. I take classes every week.

A: 真的嗎?那你應該跳得很好!
Zhēn de ma? Nà nǐ yīnggāi tiào de hěn hǎo!
Really? Then you must dance very well!

B: 還好啦,我還在學習。你會跳舞嗎?
Hái hǎo la, wǒ hái zài xuéxí. Nǐ huì tiàowǔ ma?
Not really, I’m still learning. Can you dance?

A: 我不太會,但是我想學。你覺得我該學什麼舞?
Wǒ bù tài huì, dànshì wǒ xiǎng xué. Nǐ juéde wǒ gāi xué shénme wǔ?
Not really, but I want to learn. What type of dance do you think I should learn?

B: 你可以試試街舞,或者拉丁舞!
Nǐ kěyǐ shìshì jiēwǔ, huòzhě lādīng wǔ!
You can try hip-hop or Latin dance!

A: 聽起來很有趣!我會試試看!
Tīng qǐlái hěn yǒuqù! Wǒ huì shìshì kàn!
That sounds interesting! I’ll give it a try!

問題延伸 Chinese Practice Questions

Role Play
A: 你喜歡___嗎?
B: 喜歡!我最喜歡跳___。
A: 你學了___?

1. 你會跳舞嗎?

2. 你最喜歡的舞蹈是什麼?為什麼?

3. 你覺得學跳舞難不難?

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