約會 Dating

約會是一個認識新朋友和享受美好時光的好機會。無論是去餐廳吃晚餐,還是看一場浪漫的電影,都是約會的好選擇。準備一些小禮物,如花或巧克力,能讓約會更加特別和難忘。Dating is a great opportunity to meet new friends and enjoy good times. Whether it’s having dinner at a restaurant or watching a romantic movie, these are good choices for a date. Preparing small gifts like flowers or chocolates can make the date even more special and memorable.


  1. 約會 (yuēhuì) – Date
  2. 餐廳 (cāntīng) – Restaurant
  3. 看電影 (kàn diànyǐng) – Watch a Movie
  4. 散步 (sànbù) – Take a Walk
  5. 喜歡 (xǐhuān) – Like
  6. 花 (huā) – Flower
  7. 咖啡 (kāfēi) – Coffee
  8. 晚餐 (wǎncān) – Dinner
  9. 禮物 (lǐwù) – Gift
  10. 浪漫 (làngmàn) – Romantic


A: 你這週末有什麼計劃?
Nǐ zhè zhōumò yǒu shénme jìhuà?
(What are your plans for this weekend?)

B: 我有個約會。
Wǒ yǒu gè yuēhuì.
(I have a date.)

A: 你們要去哪裡?
Nǐmen yào qù nǎlǐ?
(Where are you going?)

B: 我們先去餐廳吃晚餐,然後去看電影。
Wǒmen xiān qù cāntīng chī wǎncān, ránhòu qù kàn diànyǐng.
(We will first go to a restaurant for dinner, then watch a movie.)

A: 你喜歡什麼樣的電影?
Nǐ xǐhuān shénme yàng de diànyǐng?
(What kind of movies do you like?)

B: 我喜歡浪漫的電影。
Wǒ xǐhuān làngmàn de diànyǐng.
(I like romantic movies.)

A: 你會送花嗎?
Nǐ huì sòng huā ma?
(Will you give flowers?)

B: 是的,我買了一束玫瑰花。
Shì de, wǒ mǎile yī shù méiguī huā.
(Yes, I bought a bouquet of roses.)


  1. 你喜歡約會嗎?
    Nǐ xǐhuān yuēhuì ma?
    (Do you like dating?)
  2. 你覺得第一次約會去哪裡最好?
    Nǐ juéde dì yī cì yuēhuì qù nǎlǐ zuì hǎo?
    (Where do you think is the best place for a first date?)
  3. 你會送什麼禮物?
    Nǐ huì sòng shénme lǐwù?
    (What gift would you give?)
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