Idiom: 如履薄冰 (rú lǚ bó bīng)
Literal Meaning: “As if walking on thin ice.”
Explanation: 如履薄冰 (rú lǚ bó bīng) means to proceed cautiously, like walking on thin ice, for fear of making a mistake.
Chinese Idiom Stories
The idiom 如履薄冰 comes from a passage in the ancient Chinese text, the Book of Songs (詩經). It describes the feeling of extreme caution, like a person treading carefully over thin ice, aware that one wrong step could cause them to fall into icy water.
This imagery was later used metaphorically to describe someone facing a delicate or risky situation where great care and attention are needed to avoid disaster. The idiom emphasizes vigilance and prudence in one’s actions, particularly in challenging or dangerous circumstances.
Idiom Example Sentences
- 他最近的工作壓力很大,每天都如履薄冰,生怕出錯。
- He has been under immense pressure at work lately, treading carefully every day for fear of making a mistake.
- Tā zuìjìn de gōngzuò yālì hěn dà, měitiān dōu rú lǚ bó bīng, shēngpà chūcuò.
- 面對這場危機,公司上下如履薄冰,生怕做出錯誤的決策。
- Faced with the crisis, everyone in the company proceeded cautiously, fearing a wrong decision.
- Miàn duì zhè chǎng wéijī, gōngsī shàngxià rú lǚ bó bīng, shēngpà zuòchū cuòwùde juécè.
Practice Exercise
- What does 如履薄冰 mean, and what kind of situation does it describe?
- Why might someone feel 如履薄冰 in their daily life?
- Write a sentence describing a situation where you felt 如履薄冰 and explain why.
Multiple Choice Questions
Which scenario best demonstrates the meaning of 如履薄冰?
A) Relaxing on a beach.
B) Navigating a difficult negotiation.
C) Skipping an important task.
D) Celebrating a victory.
(Answer: B)