Chinese Idiom Stories: 杞人憂天 (Qǐ rén yōu tiān)

Idiom: 杞人憂天 (Qǐ rén yōu tiān)

Literal Meaning: A man from Qi worries about the sky falling.
Explanation: refers to worrying needlessly about unlikely or impossible events, similar to the English phrase “to worry about nothing.”

Chinese Idiom Stories

The Man Who Worried About the Sky Falling

There was once a man from the state of Qi who was so worried about the sky falling that he couldn’t sleep or eat. He spent his days and nights under his bed, fearing that the sky would suddenly collapse on him.

His neighbors tried to reassure him that the sky would never fall, but he refused to listen. They thought he was being silly and laughed at him.

The phrase “杞人憂天” (qǐ rén yōu tiān) comes from this story. It is used to describe someone who worries excessively about things that are very unlikely to happen.





Idiom Example Sentences

  • 不要杞人憂天了,事情總會有解決的辦法的。
    • Bùyào qǐ rén yōu tiān le, shìqing zǒng huì yǒu jiějué de bànfǎ de.
    • Don’t worry unnecessarily. There’s always a solution to every problem.
  • 你這樣杞人憂天,對身體不好。
    • Nǐ zhèyàng qǐ rén yōu tiān, duì shēntǐ bù hǎo.
    • Worrying excessively like this is bad for your health.

Practice Exercise

How to use the idiom? (成語用法練習)

  1. Try to create a sentence using “杞人憂天” to describe someone worrying too much.
    • Example: 你這樣杞人憂天只會讓自己壓力更大。
      (Nǐ zhèyàng Qǐ rén yōu tiān zhǐ huì ràng zìjǐ yālì gèng dà.)
      You’re worrying about nothing and only making yourself more stressed.

Multiple Choice Questions

Which situation best fits the meaning of “杞人憂天”?

A. Someone worrying about whether the sun will rise tomorrow.
B. Someone who plans their tasks carefully for tomorrow.
C. Someone making preparations for a trip next week.
D. Someone who is excited for an upcoming holiday.

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Correct answer: A


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