Chinese Idiom Stories: 披星戴月 (pī xīng dài yuè)

Idiom: 披星戴月 (pī xīng dài yuè)

Literal Meaning: “Wearing stars and carrying the moon.”
Explanation: 披星戴月 (pī xīng dài yuè) Describes working extremely hard, often traveling or laboring from early morning until late at night.

Chinese Idiom Stories

The idiom 披星戴月 originates from ancient Chinese poetry and literature. It paints a vivid picture of someone traveling or working during the night and early dawn, illuminated only by the stars and moon.

In the past, farmers often embodied this idiom. They would rise before dawn, with stars still in the sky, and work until late at night under the moonlight to ensure a good harvest. Over time, the phrase came to symbolize diligence, perseverance, and the relentless pursuit of one’s goals, even when faced with exhaustion.

Idiom Example Sentences

  • 為了趕工,他披星戴月地工作,幾乎沒有休息。
    • To meet the deadline, he worked tirelessly from dawn to dusk, barely taking any breaks.
    • Wèi le gǎngōng, tā pī xīng dài yuè de gōngzuò, jīhū méiyǒu xiūxí.
  • 這些快遞員每天披星戴月地送貨,真的很辛苦。
    • These delivery workers toil day and night to deliver packages, truly working hard.
    • Zhèxiē kuàidìyuán měitiān pī xīng dài yuè de sònghuò, zhēnde hěn xīnkǔ.

Practice Exercise

  1. What does 披星戴月 mean?
  2. How does this idiom reflect hard work and perseverance?
  3. Write a sentence using 披星戴月 to describe someone you know who works very hard.

Multiple Choice Questions

Which of the following best illustrates 披星戴月?

A) Sleeping early and waking up late.
B) Traveling or working from dawn until late at night.
C) Taking long breaks during work.
D) Avoiding responsibility.

(Answer: B)

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