Chinese Idiom Stories: 空穴來風 (Kōng xué lái fēng)

Idiom: 空穴來風 (Kōng xué lái fēng)

Literal Meaning: wind comes from an empty cave
Explanation: 空穴來風 (kōng xué lái fēng) translates to “wind comes from an empty cave,” symbolizing rumors that have no basis or proof. This idiom suggests that some rumors or stories seem to arise from nowhere, without any factual foundation.

Chinese Idiom Stories

The idiom “空穴來風” originated from ancient Chinese writings. In early philosophy, it was noted that when a hole or cave (穴, “xué”) appears, wind (風, “fēng”) may flow through it naturally.

Over time, the phrase was adapted metaphorically to describe information or rumors that emerge without a solid basis. It implies that, like the wind passing through a hollow cave, some stories may sound significant but are actually empty and lack any real evidence.

This idiom is frequently used today to remind people to question unverified information and avoid spreading baseless rumors.

Idiom Example Sentences

  • 那些新聞只是空穴來風,別當真。
    • Nàxiē xīnwén zhǐshì kōng xué lái fēng, bié dàng zhēn.
    • Those news reports are just unfounded rumors; don’t take them seriously.
  • 她說的話沒有證據,可能只是空穴來風。
    • Tā shuō de huà méiyǒu zhèngjù, kěnéng zhǐshì kōng xué lái fēng.
    • What she said lacks evidence; it might just be a groundless rumor.

Practice Exercise

  1. 你覺得為什麼人們常常會傳播空穴來風的消息?
    • Nǐ juédé wèishéme rénmen chángcháng huì chuánbò kōng xué lái fēng de xiāoxī?
    • Why do you think people often spread baseless rumors?
      • Answer: Responses will vary based on personal insight.

Multiple Choice Questions


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nǎ yī jù huà biǎo shì méi yǒu gēn jù de xiāo xī?
Which sentence suggests unfounded information?

A) 他勤奮工作
B) 她說的話可能只是空穴來風
C) 他是一個誠實的人
D) 這是一個可靠的消息

B) 她說的話可能只是空穴來風
