Chinese Idiom Stories: 汲汲營營 (Jí jí yíng yíng)

Idiom: 汲汲營營 (Jí jí yíng yíng)

Explanation: 汲汲營營 (jí jí yíng yíng) describes people who are intensely focused on pursuing success, wealth, or personal gains, often to the point of being overly concerned or anxious. The idiom suggests a mindset where one is constantly “on the go” or preoccupied, not taking time to relax or enjoy life.

Chinese Idiom Stories

The phrase “汲汲營營” comes from ancient Chinese literature, where it was used to illustrate those who were excessively preoccupied with their ambitions or desires.

One story tells of a man who worked tirelessly to amass wealth, spending all his time calculating, planning, and worrying. Though he gained financial success, he never felt at ease or truly happy.

This idiom reminds us of the importance of balance in life and not to lose ourselves in relentless pursuits that may leave us feeling unfulfilled.

Idiom Example Sentences

  • 他一生汲汲營營,只為了追求名利,卻錯過了很多生活中的美好。
    • Tā yīshēng jí jí yíng yíng, zhǐ wèile zhuīqiú mínglì, què cuòguòle hěnduō shēnghuó zhōng de měihǎo.
    • He spent his life relentlessly pursuing fame and fortune, but missed out on many of life’s beauties.
  • 有些人汲汲營營,卻不知生活的真諦在於內心的平靜。
    • Yǒuxiē rén jí jí yíng yíng, què bù zhī shēnghuó de zhēndì zàiyú nèixīn de píngjìng.
    • Some people are constantly driven, yet fail to realize that the true meaning of life lies in inner peace.

Practice Exercise

  1. “汲汲營營”可以用來形容哪些情況?請說明。
    • “Jí jí yíng yíng” kěyǐ yòng lái xíngróng nǎxiē qíngkuàng? Qǐng shuōmíng.
    • In what situations can “汲汲營營” be used? Explain with examples.
      • Answer: It can describe someone overly focused on their career, wealth, or personal goals, often forgetting to enjoy life or take a break.

Multiple Choice Questions


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Which type of person is most likely described by “汲汲營營”?

A) 悠閒自在的人
B) 忙碌追求的人
C) 熱愛藝術的人
D) 內向害羞的人

B) 忙碌追求的人
