Chinese Idiom Stories: 不言而喻 (bù yán ér yù)

Idiom: 不言而喻 (bù yán ér yù)

Literal Meaning: “It goes without saying.”
Explanation: This idiom refers to something that is so obvious that it doesn’t need to be explained or stated explicitly.

Chinese Idiom Stories

During the Warring States period, a wise minister was known for his deep understanding of complex matters. His insights were often so clear and obvious to everyone around him that he didn’t need to explain them in detail.

This gave rise to the saying “不言而喻,” meaning something is so evident that no further explanation is necessary.

Today, the idiom “不言而喻” is used to describe facts, feelings, or situations that are so clear that everyone understands them without needing an explanation.

Idiom Example Sentences

  1. 這件事的嚴重性不言而喻,必須立刻採取行動。
    • Zhè jiàn shì de yánzhòng xìng bù yán ér yù, bìxū lìkè cǎiqǔ xíngdòng.
    • The seriousness of this matter goes without saying, we must take action immediately.
  2. 他的才華不言而喻,連老師都讚不絕口。
    • Tā de cáihuá bù yán ér yù, lián lǎoshī dōu zàn bù jué kǒu.
    • His talent is self-evident, even the teacher couldn’t stop praising him.
  3. 他的誠意不言而喻,大家都願意和他合作。
    • Tā de chéngyì bù yán ér yù, dàjiā dōu yuànyì hé tā hézuò.
    • His sincerity is self-evident, everyone is willing to cooperate with him.
  4. 這是一個不言而喻的事實。(adj.)
    • Zhè shì yīgè bù yán ér yù de shìshí
    • This is a self-evident fact.
  5. 他對這件事的熱情,不言而喻。(adv.)
    • Tā duì zhè jiàn shì de rèqíng, bù yán ér yù
    • His passion for this matter is self-evident.

Practice Exercise

1. Short Answer:
In what situation might you say something is “不言而喻 (bù yán ér yù)”?

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2. Sentence Creation:
Write your own sentence using “不言而喻 (bù yán ér yù)” to describe something that is obvious to everyone.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does “不言而喻” mean?

A. To talk about something at length
B. Something is clear and needs no explanation
C. To explain things in great detail
D. To ask for clarification

(Answer: B)

2. When can you use “不言而喻”?

A. When explaining a difficult topic
B. When something is very unclear
C. When something is obvious to everyone
D. When asking a question

(Answer: C)


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