芭比娃娃 Barbie Dolls

Discover the fascinating world of Barbie dolls! From stylish clothes to diverse professional versions like doctors and astronauts, Barbie is more than a toy—it inspires creativity and imagination. Perfect for kids and collectors alike!

中文單字 Vocabulary

  1. 芭比娃娃 (bābǐ wáwa) – Barbie doll
  2. 衣服 (yīfú) – Clothes
  3. 配件 (pèijiàn) – Accessories
  4. 種類 (zhǒnglèi) – Types
  5. 職業 (zhíyè) – Profession
  6. 版本 (bǎnběn) – Version
  7. 醫生 (yīshēng) – Doctor
  8. 太空人 (tàikōngrén) – Astronaut
  9. 畫家 (huàjiā) – Artist
  10. 有趣 (yǒuqù) – Interesting

對話內容 Dialogue

A: 你小時候有玩過芭比娃娃嗎?
(Nǐ xiǎo shíhòu yǒu wán guò bābǐ wáwa ma?)
Did you play with Barbie dolls when you were a child?

B: 有啊,我很喜歡!芭比娃娃有很多漂亮的衣服和配件。
(Yǒu a, wǒ hěn xǐhuān! Bābǐ wáwa yǒu hěn duō piàoliang de yīfú hé pèijiàn.)
Yes, I loved them! Barbie dolls have so many beautiful clothes and accessories.

A: 聽說現在的芭比娃娃種類更多了,有各種職業的版本。
(Tīng shuō xiànzài de bābǐ wáwa zhǒnglèi gèng duō le, yǒu gèzhǒng zhíyè de bǎnběn.)
I heard there are more types of Barbie dolls now, including different professions.

B: 對!我最近看到一個醫生芭比,還有一個太空人芭比,真有趣!
(Duì! Wǒ zuìjìn kàn dào yī ge yīshēng bābǐ, hái yǒu yī ge tàikōngrén bābǐ, zhēn yǒuqù!)
Yes! I recently saw a doctor Barbie and an astronaut Barbie, so interesting!

A: 如果你現在還可以買一個芭比娃娃,你會選哪一種?
(Rúguǒ nǐ xiànzài hái kěyǐ mǎi yī ge bābǐ wáwa, nǐ huì xuǎn nǎ yī zhǒng?)
If you could buy a Barbie doll now, which one would you choose?

B: 我想要一個畫家芭比,因為我喜歡畫畫!
(Wǒ xiǎng yào yī ge huàjiā bābǐ, yīnwèi wǒ xǐhuān huàhuà!)
I’d want an artist Barbie because I like painting!

問題延伸 Practice Questions

1. 芭比娃娃有什麼特色?

A) 漂亮的衣服和配件
B) 喜歡畫畫
C) 種類很少
D) 只能當醫生


2. 如果你設計一個新芭比娃娃,它的職業是什麼?為什麼?

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