參加朋友的婚禮 Attending a Friend’s Wedding

Learn how to talk about attending a wedding in Chinese! This A2-level dialogue covers common phrases for asking about the location, dress code, and wedding traditions like red envelopes. A great way to expand your vocabulary for social occasions!

中文單字 Vocabulary

  1. 婚禮 (hūnlǐ) – Wedding
  2. 飯店 (fàndiàn) – Hotel
  3. 正式 (zhèngshì) – Formal
  4. 西裝 (xīzhuāng) – Suit
  5. 洋裝 (yángzhuāng) – Dress
  6. 紅包 (hóngbāo) – Red envelope (gift money)
  7. 祝福 (zhùfú) – Blessing
  8. 舉行 (jǔxíng) – Hold (an event)
  9. 期待 (qídài) – Look forward to
  10. 邀請 (yāoqǐng) – Invite

對話內容 Dialogue

A: 你週六有空嗎?我要結婚了!
Nǐ zhōu liù yǒu kòng ma? Wǒ yào jiéhūn le!
Are you free on Saturday? I’m getting married!

B: 真的嗎?恭喜你!婚禮在哪裡舉行?
Zhēn de ma? Gōngxǐ nǐ! Hūnlǐ zài nǎlǐ jǔxíng?
Really? Congratulations! Where will the wedding be held?

A: 在市中心的一家飯店,你可以來嗎?
Zài shì zhōngxīn de yī jiā fàndiàn, nǐ kěyǐ lái ma?
At a hotel in the city center. Can you come?

B: 當然可以!請問我需要穿正式服裝嗎?
Dāngrán kěyǐ! Qǐngwèn wǒ xūyào chuān zhèngshì fúzhuāng ma?
Of course! Do I need to wear formal attire?

A: 是的,男生穿西裝,女生穿洋裝比較合適。
Shì de, nánshēng chuān xīzhuāng, nǚshēng chuān yángzhuāng bǐjiào héshì.
Yes, men should wear suits, and women should wear dresses.

B: 好的,我知道了!我需要準備紅包嗎?
Hǎo de, wǒ zhīdào le! Wǒ xūyào zhǔnbèi hóngbāo ma?
Okay, got it! Do I need to prepare a red envelope?

A: 是的,一般會包 1200 或 3600 元,表示祝福。
Shì de, yībān huì bāo yīqiān èrbǎi huò sānqiān liùbǎi yuán, biǎoshì zhùfú.
Yes, usually people give 1,200 or 3,600 NTD as a blessing.

B: 明白了!我很期待參加你的婚禮!
Míngbái le! Wǒ hěn qídài cānjiā nǐ de hūnlǐ!
Got it! I’m looking forward to attending your wedding!

問題延伸 Practice Questions

Role Play
A: 你(日期)有空嗎?我要(活動)。
B: 真的嗎?恭喜你!(活動)在哪裡舉行?
A: 在(地點),你可以來嗎?

1. 參加婚禮時,你會送什麼禮物?

2. 你有參加過中國或台灣的婚禮嗎?和你的國家有什麼不同?

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