你有看奧運嗎? Did You Watch the Olympics?

奧運是全球體育迷最期待的盛事,你有看今年的奧運嗎?在這篇文章中,我們分享了看奧運的樂趣,並介紹了幾個受歡迎的運動項目。如果你也是運動迷,一起來討論吧!The Olympics are the most anticipated event for sports fans worldwide. Did you watch this year’s Olympics? In this article, we share the joy of watching the Olympics and introduce some popular sports. If you’re a sports fan, join the discussion!


  1. 奧運 (Àoyùn) – Olympics
  2. 比賽 (bǐsài) – Competition
  3. 體育 (tǐyù) – Sports
  4. 運動員 (yùndòngyuán) – Athlete
  5. 金牌 (jīnpái) – Gold Medal
  6. 銀牌 (yínpái) – Silver Medal
  7. 銅牌 (tóngpái) – Bronze Medal
  8. 電視 (diànshì) – TV
  9. 加油 (jiāyóu) – Cheer
  10. 國家 (guójiā) – Country


A: 你有看奧運嗎?
Nǐ yǒu kàn Àoyùn ma?
(Did you watch the Olympics?)

B: 有,我很喜歡看比賽。
Yǒu, wǒ hěn xǐhuān kàn bǐsài.
(Yes, I really like watching the competitions.)

A: 你最喜歡哪一個運動?
Nǐ zuì xǐhuān nǎ yīgè yùndòng?
(Which sport do you like the most?)

B: 我最喜歡看游泳比賽。
Wǒ zuì xǐhuān kàn yóuyǒng bǐsài.
(I like watching the swimming competitions the most.)

A: 你支持哪個國家的運動員?
Nǐ zhīchí nǎ ge guójiā de yùndòngyuán?
(Which country’s athletes do you support?)

B: 我支持台灣的運動員,他們很厲害!
Wǒ zhīchí Táiwān de yùndòngyuán, tāmen hěn lìhài!
(I support Taiwan’s athletes; they are amazing!)


  1. 你最喜歡看哪一種運動比賽?
    Nǐ zuì xǐhuān kàn nǎ yī zhǒng yùndòng bǐsài?
    (Which sport competition do you like watching the most?)
  2. 你曾經去過奧運現場嗎?
    Nǐ céngjīng qùguò Àoyùn xiànchǎng ma?
    (Have you ever been to the Olympics in person?)
  3. 你覺得看奧運比賽有什麼好處?
    Nǐ juéde kàn Àoyùn bǐsài yǒu shénme hǎochù?
    (What do you think are the benefits of watching the Olympics?)
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