道地的中華餐館 Authentic Chinese Restaurants

道地的中華餐館是品嘗正宗中國美食的好地方。這些餐館的菜單豐富,價格合理,氣氛獨特。無論是家庭聚餐還是朋友聚會,都能在這裡享受到美味的中國菜。Authentic Chinese restaurants are great places to taste genuine Chinese cuisine. These restaurants have rich menus, reasonable prices, and unique atmospheres. Whether for family dinners or gatherings with friends, you can enjoy delicious Chinese dishes here.


  1. 餐館 (cānguǎn) – Restaurant
  2. 道地 (dàodì) – Authentic
  3. 菜單 (càidān) – Menu
  4. 點菜 (diǎncài) – Order Food
  5. 美味 (měiwèi) – Delicious
  6. 餐廳 (cāntīng) – Restaurant
  7. 服務 (fúwù) – Service
  8. 推薦 (tuījiàn) – Recommend
  9. 價格 (jiàgé) – Price
  10. 氣氛 (qìfēn) – Atmosphere


A: 你喜歡去什麼餐館吃飯?
Nǐ xǐhuān qù shénme cānguǎn chīfàn?
(What kind of restaurant do you like to go to for meals?)

B: 我喜歡去道地的中華餐館。
Wǒ xǐhuān qù dàodì de Zhōnghuá cānguǎn.
(I like to go to authentic Chinese restaurants.)

A: 你推薦哪一家餐館?
Nǐ tuījiàn nǎ yījiā cānguǎn?
(Which restaurant do you recommend?)

B: 我推薦一家叫“老四川”的餐館,那裡的菜很美味。
Wǒ tuījiàn yījiā jiào “Lǎo Sìchuān” de cānguǎn, nàlǐ de cài hěn měiwèi.
(I recommend a restaurant called “Old Sichuan”; the food there is delicious.)

A: 價格怎麼樣?
Jiàgé zěnmeyàng?
(How are the prices?)

B: 價格很合理,服務也很好。
Jiàgé hěn hélǐ, fúwù yě hěn hǎo.
(The prices are reasonable, and the service is also good.)

A: 那裡的氣氛怎麼樣?
Nàlǐ de qìfēn zěnmeyàng?
(How is the atmosphere there?)

B: 氣氛很棒,很有中國的特色。
Qìfēn hěn bàng, hěn yǒu Zhōngguó de tèsè.
(The atmosphere is great and very Chinese.)


  1. 你最喜歡吃什麼菜?
    Nǐ zuì xǐhuān chī shénme cài?
    (What dish do you like the most?)
  2. 你常去餐館吃飯嗎?
    Nǐ cháng qù cānguǎn chīfàn ma?
    (Do you often go to restaurants to eat?)
  3. 你覺得好的餐館應該有什麼?
    Nǐ juéde hǎo de cānguǎn yīnggāi yǒu shénme?
    (What do you think a good restaurant should have?)
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