早上到公園打太極英文:Morning Tai Chi in the Park

Doing Tai Chi in the park in the morning is a great way to exercise. It not only relaxes the body and mind but also improves health. My friends and I go to the park every morning to practice Tai Chi together.


  1. 公園 (gōngyuán) – Park
  2. 早上 (zǎoshang) – Morning
  3. 太極 (tàijí) – Tai Chi
  4. 運動 (yùndòng) – Exercise
  5. 健康 (jiànkāng) – Health
  6. 舒服 (shūfu) – Comfortable
  7. 放鬆 (fàngsōng) – Relax
  8. 呼吸 (hūxī) – Breathe
  9. 朋友 (péngyǒu) – Friend
  10. 自然 (zìrán) – Nature


A: 你早上做什麼運動?
Nǐ zǎoshang zuò shénme yùndòng?
(What exercise do you do in the morning?)

B: 我早上到公園打太極。
Wǒ zǎoshang dào gōngyuán dǎ tàijí.
(I go to the park to do Tai Chi in the morning.)

A: 打太極怎麼樣?
Dǎ tàijí zěnmeyàng?
(How is doing Tai Chi?)

B: 很好,很放鬆,也對健康有幫助。
Hěn hǎo, hěn fàngsōng, yě duì jiànkāng yǒu bāngzhù.
(It’s great, very relaxing, and good for health.)

A: 你一個人去嗎?
Nǐ yīgè rén qù ma?
(Do you go alone?)

B: 不,我和朋友一起去。我們一起打太極。
Bù, wǒ hé péngyǒu yīqǐ qù. Wǒmen yīqǐ dǎ tàijí.
(No, I go with friends. We do Tai Chi together.)


  1. 你喜歡什麼運動?
    Nǐ xǐhuān shénme yùndòng?
    (What exercise do you like?)
  2. 你平常怎麼放鬆?
    Nǐ píngcháng zěnme fàngsōng?
    (How do you usually relax?)
  3. 你喜歡早上還是晚上運動?為什麼?
    Nǐ xǐhuān zǎoshang háishì wǎnshang yùndòng? Wèishéme?
    (Do you like to exercise in the morning or evening? Why?)
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