臺灣景點:日月潭簡介 Introduction to Sun Moon Lake

日月潭是台灣最美麗的自然景點之一。這裡有很多活動,比如騎腳踏車、划船,還有拍美麗的照片。來日月潭,享受大自然的美好吧!Sun Moon Lake is one of the most beautiful natural attractions in Taiwan. There are many activities here, such as cycling, boating, and taking beautiful photos. Come to Sun Moon Lake and enjoy the beauty of nature!

中文單字 (Vocabulary)

  • 日月潭 (Rìyuè Tán) – Sun Moon Lake
  • 湖 (hú) – lake
  • 美麗 (měilì) – beautiful
  • 山 (shān) – mountain
  • 天空 (tiānkōng) – sky
  • 照片 (zhàopiàn) – photo
  • 風景 (fēngjǐng) – scenery

對話內容 (Conversation)

A: 你去過日月潭嗎?
(Nǐ qù guò Rìyuè Tán ma?)
(Have you been to Sun Moon Lake?)

B: 我去過一次。日月潭很美麗。
(Wǒ qù guò yī cì. Rìyuè Tán hěn měilì.)
(I’ve been there once. Sun Moon Lake is very beautiful.)

A: 那裡有什麼好看的?
(Nàlǐ yǒu shénme hǎo kàn de?)
(What is there to see?)

B: 有美麗的湖和山。天空也很藍。
(Yǒu měilì de hú hé shān. Tiānkōng yě hěn lán.)
(There are beautiful lakes and mountains. The sky is also very blue.)

A: 日月潭在哪?
(rìyuètán zàinǎ?)
(Where is Sun Moon Lake?)

B: 在南投。
(zài nántóu.)
(It’s in Nantou.)

A: 可以怎麼去?
(kěyǐ zěnme qù?)
(How can I get there?)

B: 你可以在台中搭公車去。
(nǐ kěyǐ zài táizhōng dā gōngchē qù.)
(You can take a bus from Taichung to get there.)

A: 你有拍照片嗎?
(Nǐ yǒu pāi zhàopiàn ma?)
(Did you take any photos?)

B: 有,我拍了很多風景照。
(Yǒu, wǒ pāi le hěn duō fēngjǐng zhào.)
(Yes, I took many scenery photos.)

問題延伸 (Follow-up Questions)

  1. 日月潭在哪裡?
    (Rìyuè Tán zài nǎlǐ?)
    (Where is Sun Moon Lake?)
  2. 日月潭的風景怎麼樣?
    (Rìyuè Tán de fēngjǐng zěnme yàng?)
    (How is the scenery of Sun Moon Lake?)
  3. 你喜歡拍照嗎?為什麼?
    (Nǐ xǐhuān pāi zhào ma? Wèishéme?)
    (Do you like taking photos? Why?)
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