Joining a club activity is a great way to meet friends and have fun! This A2-level dialogue helps you learn how to talk about club participation, practice schedules, and social activities in Mandarin.
中文單字 Chinese Vocabulary
- 社團 (shètuán) – Club
- 活動 (huódòng) – Activity
- 參加 (cānjiā) – Participate
- 音樂 (yīnyuè) – Music
- 籃球隊 (lánqiú duì) – Basketball team
- 練習 (liànxí) – Practice
- 結束 (jiéshù) – Finish
- 一起 (yīqǐ) – Together
- 小吃店 (xiǎochī diàn) – Snack shop
- 學校附近 (xuéxiào fùjìn) – Near the school
對話內容 Chinese Conversation / Dialogue
A: 你有參加社團活動嗎?
Nǐ yǒu cānjiā shètuán huódòng ma?
Do you participate in any club activities?
B: 有啊!我參加了音樂社,你呢?
Yǒu a! Wǒ cānjiā le yīnyuè shè, nǐ ne?
Yes! I joined the music club. What about you?
A: 我參加了籃球隊。我們每週三和週五練習。
Wǒ cānjiā le lánqiú duì. Wǒmen měi zhōusān hé zhōuwǔ liànxí.
I joined the basketball team. We practice every Wednesday and Friday.
B: 聽起來很有趣!社團活動結束後,你們會一起去吃東西嗎?
Tīng qǐlái hěn yǒuqù! Shètuán huódòng jiéshù hòu, nǐmen huì yīqǐ qù chī dōngxi ma?
That sounds fun! Do you all go eat together after the club activities?
A: 會啊!我們常去學校附近的小吃店。
Huì a! Wǒmen cháng qù xuéxiào fùjìn de xiǎochī diàn.
Yes! We often go to a snack shop near the school.
B: 下次我也想去看看!
Xiàcì wǒ yě xiǎng qù kànkàn!
Next time, I’d love to go and check it out!
問題延伸 Chinese Practice Questions
Role Play
A: 我參加了____社。
B: 我們每週____練習。
A: 活動結束後,我們____。
1. 你參加過什麼社團?
2. 你最喜歡的社團活動是什麼?
3. 你覺得參加社團有什麼好處?