學才藝 Learning a Skill

This A2-level Chinese dialogue introduces how to talk about learning a skill. It covers discussing new hobbies, difficulties in learning, and recommendations for new skills.

中文單字 Chinese Vocabulary

  1. 才藝 (cáiyì) – Skill/talent
  2. 學 (xué) – To learn
  3. 吉他 (jítā) – Guitar
  4. 難 (nán) – Difficult
  5. 簡單 (jiǎndān) – Simple
  6. 推薦 (tuījiàn) – Recommend
  7. 畫畫 (huàhuà) – Drawing
  8. 跳舞 (tiàowǔ) – Dancing
  9. 考慮 (kǎolǜ) – Consider
  10. 彈 (tán) – To play (a musical instrument)

對話內容 Chinese Conversation / Dialogue

A: 你最近有學什麼新才藝嗎?
Nǐ zuìjìn yǒu xué shénme xīn cáiyì ma?
Have you learned any new skills recently?

B: 有啊,我在學吉他!
Yǒu a, wǒ zài xué jítā!
Yes! I’m learning the guitar!

A: 哇!好厲害!學吉他難不難?
Wā! Hǎo lìhài! Xué jítā nán bù nán?
Wow! That’s amazing! Is learning the guitar difficult?

B: 剛開始有點難,手會痛,但現在好多了。
Gāng kāishǐ yǒudiǎn nán, shǒu huì tòng, dàn xiànzài hǎoduō le.
It was a bit difficult at first, and my fingers hurt, but it’s much better now.

A: 你學了多久了?
Nǐ xué le duōjiǔ le?
How long have you been learning?

B: 大概三個月。我已經會彈幾首簡單的歌了!
Dàgài sān gè yuè. Wǒ yǐjīng huì tán jǐ shǒu jiǎndān de gē le!
About three months. I can already play a few simple songs!

A: 太棒了!我也想學才藝,你有推薦的嗎?
Tài bàng le! Wǒ yě xiǎng xué cáiyì, nǐ yǒu tuījiàn de ma?
That’s great! I also want to learn a skill. Do you have any recommendations?

B: 你可以試試畫畫,或者學跳舞!
Nǐ kěyǐ shìshì huàhuà, huòzhě xué tiàowǔ!
You can try painting or learning to dance!

A: 聽起來很有趣!我會考慮的!
Tīng qǐlái hěn yǒuqù! Wǒ huì kǎolǜ de!
That sounds interesting! I’ll think about it!

問題延伸 Chinese Practice Questions

Role Play
A: 你最近有學什麼新___嗎?
B: 有啊,我在學___!
A: 哇!好厲害!學___難不難?

1. 你學過什麼才藝?

2. 你最想學的才藝是什麼?為什麼?

3. 你覺得學才藝最難的是什麼?

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