Chinese Idiom Stories: 行雲流水 (xíng yún liú shuǐ)

Idiom: 行雲流水 (xíng yún liú shuǐ)

Literal Meaning: “Flowing clouds and running water.”
Explanation: 行雲流水 (xíng yún liú shuǐ) Describes something natural, smooth, and effortless, like flowing clouds or water. It is often used to praise writing, art, or performances that feel spontaneous and fluid.

Chinese Idiom Stories

The idiom originates from Chinese poetry and art, where the imagery of flowing clouds and water was used to describe the natural and unforced beauty of creative works. One notable reference comes from the Tang Dynasty poet Su Shi, who admired art and writing that felt as effortless as clouds drifting across the sky or water running down a stream.

Artists and writers who achieve this level of mastery exhibit a deep connection between their skill and their work, creating pieces that feel alive and uncontrived.

This idiom encourages people to seek harmony and fluidity in their actions, emphasizing the beauty of simplicity and authenticity.

Idiom Example Sentences

  • 她的舞蹈動作行雲流水,讓觀眾如癡如醉。
    • Her dance movements were as smooth as flowing clouds and water, mesmerizing the audience.
    • Tā de wǔdǎo dòngzuò xíng yún liú shuǐ, ràng guānzhòng rúchī rúzuì.
  • 他的書法作品行雲流水,展現了深厚的功底。
    • His calligraphy flowed like clouds and water, showcasing his profound skill.
    • Tā de shūfǎ zuòpǐn xíng yún liú shuǐ, zhǎnxiànle shēnhòu de gōngdǐ.

Practice Exercise

  1. What kind of works are described as 行雲流水?
  2. How can one achieve the quality of 行雲流水 in their craft?
  3. Use 行雲流水 to describe someone’s artistic or creative skills.

Multiple Choice Questions

What does 行雲流水 emphasize?

A) Rigidity and structure.
B) Naturalness and smoothness.
C) Complexity and elaboration.
D) Precision and accuracy.

(Answer: B)

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