我最喜歡的寵物 My Favorite Pet

Improve your Chinese conversational skills with this fun A2-level dialogue about pets! Learn how to describe your favorite pets, share experiences, and expand your vocabulary with essential words and phrases.

中文單字 Vocabulary

  1. 寵物 (chǒngwù) – Pet
  2. 狗 (gǒu) – Dog
  3. 貓 (māo) – Cat
  4. 忠誠 (zhōngchéng) – Loyal
  5. 可愛 (kě’ài) – Cute
  6. 調皮 (tiáopí) – Naughty
  7. 追 (zhuī) – Chase
  8. 球 (qiú) – Ball
  9. 沙發 (shāfā) – Sofa
  10. 睡覺 (shuìjiào) – Sleep

對話內容 Dialogue

A: 你喜歡什麼寵物?
Nǐ xǐhuān shénme chǒngwù?
What kind of pet do you like?

B: 我喜歡狗,因為狗很可愛,也很忠誠!
Wǒ xǐhuān gǒu, yīnwèi gǒu hěn kě’ài, yě hěn zhōngchéng!
I like dogs because they are cute and loyal!

A: 我也喜歡狗,可是我家裡有一隻貓。牠很調皮!
Wǒ yě xǐhuān gǒu, kěshì wǒ jiālǐ yǒu yī zhī māo. Tā hěn tiáopí!
I also like dogs, but I have a cat at home. It’s very naughty!

B: 真的嗎?牠喜歡玩什麼?
Zhēn de ma? Tā xǐhuān wán shénme?
Really? What does it like to play with?

A: 牠喜歡追球,還喜歡爬到沙發上睡覺。
Tā xǐhuān zhuī qiú, hái xǐhuān pá dào shāfā shàng shuìjiào.
It likes chasing balls and sleeping on the sofa.

B: 好有趣!我也想要養一隻貓。
Hǎo yǒuqù! Wǒ yě xiǎng yào yǎng yī zhī māo.
That’s so fun! I want to get a cat too.

問題延伸 Practice Questions


A) 可愛
B) 調皮
C) 忠誠
D) 全部

2. 你的最愛的寵物是什麼?為什麼?

3. 用「忠誠」造句,例如:這個國家的士兵很忠誠。

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