到朋友家作客 To visit a friend’s home

Visiting a friend’s home in Taiwan is a great opportunity to experience local culture. This A2-level Chinese dialogue teaches beginners how to make plans, discuss what to bring, and express excitement about visiting friends. Practice common phrases and vocabulary to improve your conversational skills!

中文單字 Vocabulary

  1. 週末 – Weekend – zhōumò
  2. 空 – Free (time) – kòng
  3. 作客 – To be a guest – zuòkè
  4. 準備 – Prepare – zhǔnbèi
  5. 點心 – Snacks – diǎnxīn
  6. 帶 – Bring – dài
  7. 下午 – Afternoon – xiàwǔ
  8. 期待 – Look forward to – qídài
  9. 謝謝 – Thank you – xièxiè
  10. 不客氣 – You’re welcome – bù kèqì

對話內容 Dialogue

A: 你週末有空嗎?要不要來我家玩?
Nǐ zhōumò yǒu kòng ma? Yào bù yào lái wǒ jiā wán?
Are you free this weekend? Do you want to come over to my house?

B: 好啊!我應該帶什麼去嗎?
Hǎo a! Wǒ yīnggāi dài shénme qù ma?
Sure! Should I bring anything?

A: 不用帶東西,來就好。
Bùyòng dài dōngxi, lái jiù hǎo.
No need to bring anything, just come!

B: 太好了!我週六下午過去可以嗎?
Tài hǎo le! Wǒ zhōu liù xiàwǔ guòqù kěyǐ ma?
Great! Can I come over on Saturday afternoon?

A: 可以!我會準備一些點心。
Kěyǐ! Wǒ huì zhǔnbèi yīxiē diǎnxīn.
Sure! I’ll prepare some snacks.

B: 謝謝你!期待見到你。
Xièxiè nǐ! Qídài jiàn dào nǐ.
Thank you! Looking forward to seeing you.

A: 不客氣,我也很期待!
Bù kèqì, wǒ yě hěn qídài!
You’re welcome, I’m looking forward to it too!

問題延伸 Practice Questions

Nǐ qù péngyǒu jiā zuòkè shí, tōngcháng huì dài shénme lǐwù?
What do you usually bring when you visit a friend’s house?

Nǐ zuì xǐhuān shénme yàng de diǎnxīn?
What kind of snacks do you like the most?

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