歌手戴佩妮 Singer Penny Tai

Penny Tai is a talented indie singer-songwriter from Malaysia, best known for her emotional lyrics and unique music style. This dialogue introduces A2 learners to vocabulary related to music and songwriting, while offering insights into Penny Tai’s life and popular songs like “The Love You Want” and “Wolf.”

中文單字 Vocabulary

  1. 歌手 – Singer – gēshǒu
  2. 歌曲 – Song – gēqǔ
  3. 專輯 – Album – zhuānjí
  4. 熱門 – Popular – rèmén
  5. 獨立音樂 – Indie music – dúlì yīnyuè
  6. 創作 – Compose – chuàngzuò
  7. 歌詞 – Lyrics – gēcí
  8. 生平 – Life – shēngpíng
  9. 風格 – Style – fēnggé
  10. 感人 – Touching – gǎnrén

對話內容 Dialogue

A: 你有聽過戴佩妮嗎?她是個很有才華的創作歌手。
Have you heard of Penny Tai? She is a very talented singer-songwriter.
Nǐ yǒu tīngguò Dài Pèinī ma? Tā shì ge hěn yǒu cáihuá de chuàngzuò gēshǒu.

B: 有啊!我很喜歡她的歌,特別是《你要的愛》。
Yes! I really like her songs, especially “The Love You Want.”
Yǒu a! Wǒ hěn xǐhuān tā de gē, tèbié shì “Nǐ Yào de Ài.”

A: 那首歌很感人。她的音樂風格很獨特,聽起來很舒服。
That song is very touching. Her music style is unique, and it sounds really pleasant.
Nà shǒu gē hěn gǎnrén. Tā de yīnyuè fēnggé hěn dútè, tīng qǐlái hěn shūfú.

B: 她不只是唱歌,還寫了很多歌詞。你聽過她的其他專輯嗎?
She doesn’t just sing; she also writes many lyrics. Have you listened to her other albums?
Tā bù zhǐ shì chànggē, hái xiěle hěn duō gēcí. Nǐ tīngguò tā de qítā zhuānjí ma?

A: 聽過,我很喜歡《狼》和《光著我的腳丫子》。
Yes, I have. I really like “Wolf” and “Barefoot.”
Tīngguò, wǒ hěn xǐhuān “Láng” hé “Guāngzhe Wǒ de Jiǎoyāzi.”

B: 她的歌詞真的很有意思,也讓我想更多地了解她的生平。
Her lyrics are really meaningful, and they make me want to learn more about her life.
Tā de gēcí zhēn de hěn yǒu yìsi, yě ràng wǒ xiǎng gèng duō liǎojiě tā de shēngpíng.

問題延伸 Practice Questions

(Nǐ zuì xǐhuān Dài Pèinī de nǎ shǒu gē? Wèishéme?)
Which song by Penny Tai is your favorite? Why?

(Nǐ juéde tā de yīnyuè fēnggé hé qítā gēshǒu yǒu shénme bùtóng?)
How do you think her music style differs from other singers?

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