台灣人愛騎摩托車 Taiwanese People Love Riding Scooters

Taiwanese people love riding scooters because it’s convenient and saves time, especially in busy cities. This dialogue introduces common transportation-related vocabulary and phrases for A2 learners, helping them understand daily conversations about commuting in Taiwan.


  1. 摩托車 – Scooter – mótuōchē
  2. 上班 – To go to work – shàngbān
  3. 交通 – Transportation – jiāotōng
  4. 方便 – Convenient – fāngbiàn
  5. 安全 – Safe – ānquán
  6. 帶安全帽 – Wear a helmet – dài ānquán mào
  7. 堵車 – Traffic jam – dǔchē
  8. 省時間 – Save time – shěng shíjiān
  9. 騎車 – To ride (a bike or scooter) – qí chē
  10. 停車 – Parking – tíngchē


A: 你知道台灣人為什麼喜歡騎摩托車嗎?
Do you know why Taiwanese people like to ride scooters?
Nǐ zhīdào Táiwān rén wèishéme xǐhuān qí mótuōchē ma?

B: 我不知道,為什麼呢?
I don’t know, why?
Wǒ bù zhīdào, wèishéme ne?

A: 因為騎摩托車很方便,上班不用擔心堵車。
Because riding scooters is very convenient, you don’t have to worry about traffic jams when going to work.
Yīnwèi qí mótuōchē hěn fāngbiàn, shàngbān búyòng dānxīn dǔchē.

B: 聽起來很不錯。那摩托車安全嗎?
That sounds nice. Are scooters safe?
Tīng qǐlái hěn bùcuò. Nà mótuōchē ānquán ma?

A: 騎摩托車的時候一定要帶安全帽,這樣比較安全。
When riding scooters, you must wear a helmet; it’s safer that way.
Qí mótuōchē de shíhòu yīdìng yào dài ānquán mào, zhèyàng bǐjiào ānquán.

B: 那在台灣騎摩托車很省時間嗎?
So, does riding a scooter save time in Taiwan?
Nà zài Táiwān qí mótuōchē hěn shěng shíjiān ma?

A: 是的,尤其在市區,停車也比較容易。
Yes, especially in the city. Parking is easier too.
Shì de, yóuqí zài shìqū, tíngchē yě bǐjiào róngyì.

B: 我也想試試看騎摩托車了!
I want to try riding a scooter too!
Wǒ yě xiǎng shì shìkàn qí mótuōchē le!


  1. 你覺得騎摩托車比開車方便嗎?為什麼?
  2. (Nǐ juéde qí mótuōchē bǐ kāichē fāngbiàn ma? Wèishéme?)
  3. Do you think riding a scooter is more convenient than driving? Why?
  4. 你騎摩托車的時候會帶安全帽嗎?為什麼?
  5. (Nǐ qí mótuōchē de shíhòu huì dài ānquán mào ma? Wèishéme?)
  6. Do you wear a helmet when riding a scooter? Why?
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