別吵了!Stop Arguing!

本課主要教學如何表達沮喪情緒、平息局勢以及解決衝突。This dialogue teaches essential vocabulary and phrases for handling arguments in Chinese. Perfect for A2-level learners, this lesson focuses on how to express frustration, calm situations, and resolve conflicts using simple and practical expressions.


Vocabulary (中文/英文/拼音)

  1. 吵架 – To argue – chǎojià
  2. 安靜 – Quiet – ānjìng
  3. 發脾氣 – To lose temper – fā píqì
  4. 互相 – Each other – hùxiāng
  5. 和好 – To make up – héhǎo
  6. 停止 – To stop – tíngzhǐ
  7. 不要 – Don’t – bú yào
  8. 試著 – Try to – shìzhe
  9. 沒關係 – It’s okay – méi guānxi
  10. 道歉 – Apologize – dàoqiàn


A: 你們兩個不要吵了!
Stop arguing, you two!
Nǐmen liǎng ge búyào chǎo le!

B: 他一直發脾氣!
He keeps losing his temper!
Tā yīzhí fā píqì!

A: 你們應該互相理解。
You should understand each other.
Nǐmen yīnggāi hùxiāng lǐjiě.

B: 可是他不聽我說!
But he won’t listen to me!
Kěshì tā bù tīng wǒ shuō!

A: 試著冷靜下來,好嗎?
Try to calm down, okay?
Shìzhe lěngjìng xiàlái, hǎo ma?

B: 好吧,我會試試看。
Alright, I’ll try.
Hǎo ba, wǒ huì shì shìkàn.


(Nǐ shénme shíhòu huì gēn biérén chǎojià?)
When do you argue with others?

(Nǐ juéde chǎojià zhīhòu yīnggāi zěnme jiějué wèntí?)
How do you think problems should be resolved after an argument?

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