打電話 Make a phone call

This article teaches essential phrases and conversations for making phone calls in Chinese. Learn common vocabulary, phrases, and how to handle typical situations when making or receiving phone calls. Perfect for A2-level learners aiming to improve their communication skills in daily life.

Vocabulary (單字)

  1. 打電話 – To make a phone call – dǎ diànhuà
  2. 接電話 – To answer the phone – jiē diànhuà
  3. 留言 – Leave a message – liúyán
  4. 忙線 – Busy line – mángxiàn
  5. 撥號 – Dial a number – bōhào
  6. 通話時間 – Talk time – tōnghuà shíjiān
  7. 聽筒 – Receiver – tīngtǒng
  8. 通知 – To notify – tōngzhī
  9. 撥錯號碼 – Dialed the wrong number – bōcuò hàomǎ
  10. 掛斷 – To hang up – guàduàn

Dialogue (對話)

A: 你好,我想找小明。
Nǐ hǎo, wǒ xiǎng zhǎo Xiǎo Míng.
Hello, I’m looking for Xiao Ming.

B: 小明現在不在,請問你要留言嗎?
Xiǎo Míng xiànzài bú zài, qǐngwèn nǐ yào liúyán ma?
Xiao Ming is not here right now. Would you like to leave a message?

A: 好的,請告訴他我下午三點會打電話給他。
Hǎo de, qǐng gàosu tā wǒ xiàwǔ sān diǎn huì dǎ diànhuà gěi tā.
Yes, please tell him I will call him at 3 PM.

B: 好的,我會轉告他。
Hǎo de, wǒ huì zhuǎngào tā.
Okay, I’ll let him know.

Practice Questions (問題延伸)

  1. 你通常什麼時候打電話給朋友?
    (Nǐ tōngcháng shénme shíhòu dǎ diànhuà gěi péngyǒu?)
    When do you usually call your friends?
  2. 你最常用手機還是家裡的電話?
    (Nǐ zuì cháng yòng shǒujī háishì jiālǐ de diànhuà?)
    Do you use your mobile phone or home phone more often?

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