糟糕!遲到了! Oh no! I’m Late!


Being late is a common issue, whether due to an alarm not ringing or losing track of time. This article is designed for A2 learners, helping you learn Chinese vocabulary and everyday dialogues about being late, so you can handle such situations better.


  1. 糟糕 (zāogāo) – Oh no!
  2. 遲到 (chídào) – Be late
  3. 鬧鐘 (nàozhōng) – Alarm clock
  4. 醒來 (xǐnglái) – Wake up
  5. 趕快 (gǎnkuài) – Hurry up
  6. 匆忙 (cōngmáng) – In a rush
  7. 約會 (yuēhuì) – Appointment/Date
  8. 公交車 (gōngjiāo chē) – Bus
  9. 出門 (chūmén) – Go out
  10. 忘記 (wàngjì) – Forget


A: 糟糕,我遲到了!鬧鐘沒有響。
Zāogāo, wǒ chídào le! Nàozhōng méiyǒu xiǎng.
(Oh no, I’m late! The alarm didn’t ring.)

B: 你趕快起來,還有時間。
Nǐ gǎnkuài qǐlái, hái yǒu shíjiān.
(Hurry up, you still have time.)

A: 可是我已經遲到十分鐘了,該怎麼辦?
Kěshì wǒ yǐjīng chídào shí fēnzhōng le, gāi zěnme bàn?
(But I’m already ten minutes late, what should I do?)

B: 你可以打電話通知一下,說你快到了。
Nǐ kěyǐ dǎ diànhuà tōngzhī yīxià, shuō nǐ kuài dào le.
(You can call to let them know you’re almost there.)

A: 對,我差點忘記了!謝謝你提醒我。
Duì, wǒ chàdiǎn wàngjì le! Xièxiè nǐ tíxǐng wǒ.
(Yes, I almost forgot! Thank you for reminding me.)


  1. 你有沒有曾經因為鬧鐘沒有響而遲到?
    Nǐ yǒu méiyǒu céngjīng yīnwèi nàozhōng méiyǒu xiǎng ér chídào?
    (Have you ever been late because the alarm didn’t go off?)
  2. 你通常會怎麼處理遲到的情況?
    Nǐ tōngcháng huì zěnme chǔlǐ chídào de qíngkuàng?
    (How do you usually handle being late?)
  3. 你覺得準時有多重要?
    Nǐ juédé zhǔnshí yǒu duō zhòngyào?
    (How important do you think punctuality is?)
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