買化妝品 Buying Cosmetics

買化妝品對於許多人來說是一種享受,不論是口紅、眼影還是粉底,都可以讓人展現不同的風格。這篇文章為A2水平學習者設計,讓你能輕鬆學會如何用中文討論化妝品。 Buying cosmetics is an enjoyable experience for many people. Whether it’s lipstick, eyeshadow, or foundation, they all allow individuals to express different styles. This article is designed for A2-level learners to help you easily learn how to talk about cosmetics in Chinese.


  1. 化妝品 (huàzhuāngpǐn) – Cosmetics
  2. 口紅 (kǒuhóng) – Lipstick
  3. 粉底 (fěndǐ) – Foundation
  4. 眼影 (yǎnyǐng) – Eyeshadow
  5. 睫毛膏 (jiémáogāo) – Mascara
  6. 保濕霜 (bǎoshīshuāng) – Moisturizer
  7. 香水 (xiāngshuǐ) – Perfume
  8. 粉餅 (fěnbǐng) – Powder
  9. 美妝店 (měizhuāngdiàn) – Beauty store
  10. 試用 (shìyòng) – To try out
  11. 促銷 (cùxiāo) – Promotion
  12. 折扣 (zhékòu) – Discount


A: 你最近有買化妝品嗎?
Nǐ zuìjìn yǒu mǎi huàzhuāngpǐn ma?
(Have you bought any cosmetics recently?)

B: 有啊!我剛買了一支口紅和粉底。你呢?
Yǒu a! Wǒ gāng mǎi le yì zhī kǒuhóng hé fěndǐ. Nǐ ne?
(Yes! I just bought a lipstick and foundation. What about you?)

A: 我還沒買,不過我最近想買新的睫毛膏和眼影。你有推薦的品牌嗎?
Wǒ hái méi mǎi, bùguò wǒ zuìjìn xiǎng mǎi xīn de jiémáogāo hé yǎnyǐng. Nǐ yǒu tuījiàn de pǐnpái ma?
(I haven’t bought any yet, but I’m thinking about buying new mascara and eyeshadow. Do you have any brand recommendations?)

B: 我喜歡這個牌子的產品,品質很好,而且最近有折扣。
Wǒ xǐhuān zhège páizi de chǎnpǐn, pǐnzhí hěn hǎo, érqiě zuìjìn yǒu zhékòu.
(I like this brand’s products, they’re of good quality, and there’s a discount right now.)

A: 真棒!那我也去看看。
Zhēn bàng! Nà wǒ yě qù kàn kàn.
(Great! I’ll check it out too.)


  1. 你喜歡買哪一種化妝品?
    Nǐ xǐhuān mǎi nǎ yì zhǒng huàzhuāngpǐn?
    (What kind of cosmetics do you like to buy?)
  2. 你會在網上買化妝品嗎?
    Nǐ huì zài wǎngshàng mǎi huàzhuāngpǐn ma?
    (Do you buy cosmetics online?)
  3. 你覺得什麼品牌的化妝品最好用?
    Nǐ juéde shénme pǐnpái de huàzhuāngpǐn zuì hǎo yòng?
    (What brand of cosmetics do you think is the best?)
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