鬼月?! Ghost Month?!


Ghost Month is an important traditional festival in Taiwan, filled with mystery and taboos. This article introduces the background story, customs, and some common taboos of Ghost Month, suitable for A2-level learners.


  1. 鬼月 (Guǐ yuè) – Ghost Month
  2. 農曆七月 (nónglì qī yuè) – Lunar July
  3. 鬼 (guǐ) – Ghost
  4. 拜拜 (bàibài) – Offerings to spirits
  5. 祭品 (jìpǐn) – Offerings
  6. 祖先 (zǔxiān) – Ancestors
  7. 禁忌 (jìnjì) – Taboo
  8. 鬧鬼 (nàoguǐ) – Haunted
  9. 傳統 (chuántǒng) – Tradition
  10. 節日 (jiérì) – Festival


A: 聽說農曆七月是鬼月,這是什麼意思?
Tīngshuō nónglì qī yuè shì Guǐ yuè, zhè shì shénme yìsi?
(I heard that the seventh lunar month is Ghost Month. What does that mean?)

B: 鬼月是傳統上我們祭拜祖先和靈魂的時候。我們會準備祭品給他們。
Guǐ yuè shì chuántǒng shàng wǒmen jìbài zǔxiān hé línghún de shíhòu. Wǒmen huì zhǔnbèi jìpǐn gěi tāmen.
(Ghost Month is traditionally when we make offerings to our ancestors and spirits. We prepare offerings for them.)

A: 那在鬼月有什麼禁忌嗎?
Nà zài Guǐ yuè yǒu shénme jìnjì ma?
(Are there any taboos during Ghost Month?)

B: 是的,有些人會避免在晚上出門或搬家,因為他們相信那時候比較容易遇到鬼。
Shì de, yǒuxiē rén huì bìmiǎn zài wǎnshàng chūmén huò bānjiā, yīnwèi tāmen xiāngxìn nà shíhòu bǐjiào róngyì yù dào guǐ.
(Yes, some people avoid going out at night or moving houses because they believe it’s easier to encounter ghosts then.)

A: 聽起來有點可怕,但也很有趣。
Tīng qǐlái yǒudiǎn kěpà, dàn yě hěn yǒuqù.
(That sounds a bit scary, but also very interesting.)


  1. 你有聽過鬼月的故事嗎?
    Nǐ yǒu tīngguò Guǐ yuè de gùshì ma?
    (Have you heard any stories about Ghost Month?)
  2. 你覺得在鬼月應該遵守哪些禁忌?
    Nǐ juéde zài Guǐ yuè yīnggāi zūnshǒu nǎxiē jìnjì?
    (What taboos do you think should be followed during Ghost Month?)
  3. 你有參加過鬼月的拜拜活動嗎?
    Nǐ yǒu cānjiā guò Guǐ yuè de bàibài huódòng ma?
    (Have you ever participated in the offerings during Ghost Month?)
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