中秋節的故事 The Story of the Mid-Autumn Festival


The Mid-Autumn Festival is an important traditional Chinese holiday with many beautiful stories and legends. This article introduces the story of Chang’e and the Jade Rabbit and shares traditional festival activities, suitable for A2-level learners.


  1. 中秋節 (Zhōngqiū jié) – Mid-Autumn Festival
  2. 月亮 (yuèliàng) – Moon
  3. 月餅 (yuèbǐng) – Mooncake
  4. 傳說 (chuánshuō) – Legend
  5. 嫦娥 (Cháng’é) – Chang’e (a character in the legend)
  6. 玉兔 (Yùtù) – Jade Rabbit
  7. 賞月 (shǎng yuè) – Moon Viewing
  8. 家庭 (jiātíng) – Family
  9. 團圓 (tuányuán) – Reunion
  10. 節日 (jiérì) – Festival


A: 你知道中秋節的故事嗎?
Nǐ zhīdào Zhōngqiū jié de gùshì ma?
(Do you know the story of the Mid-Autumn Festival?)

B: 當然知道!中秋節有一個很有名的傳說,關於嫦娥和玉兔。
Dāngrán zhīdào! Zhōngqiū jié yǒu yīgè hěn yǒumíng de chuánshuō, guānyú Cháng’é hé Yùtù.
(Of course! The Mid-Autumn Festival has a famous legend about Chang’e and the Jade Rabbit.)

A: 你可以告訴我這個傳說嗎?
Nǐ kěyǐ gàosù wǒ zhège chuánshuō ma?
(Can you tell me the legend?)

B: 相傳嫦娥喝了仙藥,飛上了月亮,從此住在那裡。玉兔是她的朋友,一起住在月亮上。
Xiāngchuán Cháng’é hēle xiānyào, fēi shàngle yuèliàng, cóngcǐ zhù zài nàlǐ. Yùtù shì tā de péngyǒu, yīqǐ zhù zài yuèliàng shàng.
(It’s said that Chang’e drank an elixir and flew to the moon, where she has lived ever since. The Jade Rabbit is her friend and lives with her on the moon.)

A: 哇,這個故事很有趣!中秋節大家還會做什麼呢?
Wa, zhège gùshì hěn yǒuqù! Zhōngqiū jié dàjiā hái huì zuò shénme ne?
(Wow, that story is really interesting! What else do people do during the Mid-Autumn Festival?)

B: 我們會賞月、吃月餅,和家人團圓。
Wǒmen huì shǎng yuè, chī yuèbǐng, hé jiārén tuányuán.
(We watch the moon, eat mooncakes, and have a family reunion.)


  1. 你聽說過嫦娥的故事嗎?
    Nǐ tīngshuō guò Cháng’é de gùshì ma?
    (Have you heard of the story of Chang’e?)
  2. 你最喜歡中秋節的哪個活動?
    Nǐ zuì xǐhuān Zhōngqiū jié de nǎge huódòng?
    (What is your favorite activity during the Mid-Autumn Festival?)
  3. 你覺得中秋節對家庭來說為什麼很重要?
    Nǐ juéde Zhōngqiū jié duì jiātíng lái shuō wèishéme hěn zhòngyào?
    (Why do you think the Mid-Autumn Festival is important for families?)
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