30 Useful Chinese Phrases for Dining Out

Want to improve your Chinese dining skills? This article offers 30 practical phrases for various dining situations, from ordering to paying the bill. Each phrase is accompanied by a simplified Chinese explanation to help you learn and practice effectively.

點餐篇 Ordering food

  1. 我想點一份牛肉麵。 (Wǒ xiǎng diǎn yī fèn niúròu miàn.) – I would like to order a beef noodle soup.
  2. 可以給我一份菜單嗎? (Kěyǐ gěi wǒ yī fèn càidān ma?) – Can you give me a menu?
  3. 我不吃海鮮。 (Wǒ bù chī hǎixiàn.) – I don’t eat seafood.
  4. 我想來一份素食。 (Wǒ xiǎng lái yī fèn sùshí.) – I would like a vegetarian dish.
  5. 這道菜有什麼特別的? (Zhè dào cài yǒu shénme tèbié de?) – What’s special about this dish?
  6. 我可以換一份湯嗎? (Wǒ kěyǐ huàn yī fèn tāng ma?) – Can I change the soup?
  7. 我想加點一份小菜。 (Wǒ xiǎng jiā diǎn yī fèn xiǎocài.) – I would like to order a side dish.
  8. 我對花生過敏。 (Wǒ duì huāshēng guòmǐn.) – I’m allergic to peanuts.

用餐篇 Dining

  1. 這道菜很好吃。 (Zhè dào cài hěn hǎo chī.) – This dish is delicious.
  2. 這湯太鹹了。 (Zhè tāng tài xián le.) – This soup is too salty.
  3. 我吃飽了。 (Wǒ chī bǎo le.) – I’m full.
  4. 請問廁所在哪裡? (Qǐng wèn cèsuǒ zài nǎlǐ?) – Excuse me, where is the restroom?
  5. 可以給我一些餐巾紙嗎? (Kěyǐ gěi wǒ yīxiē cānjīnzhǐ ma?) – Can I have some napkins?
  6. 這杯飲料太甜了。 (Zhè bēi yǐnliào tài tián le.) – This drink is too sweet.
  7. 這個菜有點辣。 (Zhège cài yǒu diǎn là.) – This dish is a bit spicy.

結帳篇 Checkout

  1. 可以結帳了嗎? (Kěyǐ jiézhàng le ma?) – Can I get the bill, please?
  2. 我想用信用卡支付。 (Wǒ xiǎng yòng xìnyòngkǎ zhīfù.) – I would like to pay by credit card.
  3. 這邊可以刷卡嗎? (Zhèbiān kěyǐ shuākǎ ma?) – Can I pay by card here?
  4. 請問總共是多少錢? (Qǐngwèn zǒnggòng shì duōshǎo qián?) – How much is it in total?
  5. 找我一百塊。 (Zhǎo wǒ yībǎi kuài.) – Keep the change. (Literally: Give me 100 dollars back.)

其他情境 Other situations

  1. 請問你們有什麼推薦的菜嗎? (Qǐngwèn nǐmen yǒu shénme tuījiàn de cài ma?) – Do you have any recommendations?
  2. 請問可以打包嗎? (Qǐngwèn kěyǐ dǎbāo ma?) – Can I get a doggy bag?
  3. 謝謝您的服務。 (Xièxiè nín de fúwù.) – Thank you for your service.
  4. 對不起,我打擾一下。 (Duìbuqǐ, wǒ dǎrǎo yīxià.) – Excuse me.
  5. 請問還有其他座位嗎? (Qǐngwèn hái yǒu qítā zuòwèi ma?) – Are there any other seats available?
  6. 這家餐廳的環境很不錯。 (Zhè jiā cāntīng de huánjìng hěn bùcuò.) – The atmosphere of this restaurant is very nice.
  7. 我對這道菜過敏。 (Wǒ duì zhè dào cài guòmǐn.) – I’m allergic to this dish.
  8. 請問可以換個位置嗎? (Qǐngwèn kěyǐ huàn gè wèizhi ma?) – Can I change my seat?
  9. 請問這道菜裡有什麼材料? (Qǐngwèn zhè dào cài lǐ yǒu shénme cáiliào?) – What are the ingredients in this dish?
  10. 請問可以加一些辣椒嗎? (Qǐngwèn kěyǐ jiā yīxiē làjiāo ma?) – Can I add some chili peppers?
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